The academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhong Nanshan on Friday (December 22) When talking about the significantly increased increase in patients with respiratory diseases in the near future, long -term wearing a mask will make it impossibleWhere the crowd gather, otherwise it is not particularly advocating for long -term masks.

According to the south + client news on Saturday, Zhong Nanshan went to Shenzhen People's Hospital to conduct academicians on the same day, and jointly discussed with difficult cases of respiratory and crisis medical disciplines with the hospital.

对于中国近期呼吸道疾病患者明显增多的情况,钟南山会后受访时说,呼吸道疾病进入高发期的原因主要有两方面,一是常规原因,即天气燥骤冷后,The immune function of the nasal mucosa is reduced, so the virus is easy to enter the respiratory tract.Second, long -term wearing masks can also make the autoimmune system unable to play normally, weakening the ability to resist disease.

Zhong Nanshan said: "Unless the virus is popular or places where the crowd gather, it is not specifically advocating long -term wearing masks."

Zhong Nanshan also shared his latest oneItem Research -Pulmonary Nodule Artificial Intelligence Diagnostic System.He said: "Among the inspection crowd, about 30%of the CT showed nodules. However, not all pulmonary nodules have typical imaging performance, so there is a risk of being misdiagnosed. We found that ordinary hospitals found that ordinary hospitalsThe lung nodule error cutting rate is nearly 20%.It has functions such as intelligent identification of lesions, benign malignant judgment, gene mutation prediction, automatic reporting, etc., helping the accurate diagnosis and treatment of lung nodules and lung tumors, and reducing the probability of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.

Zhong Nanshan also introduced that the team also has blood DNA detection technology to perform methylation test by extracting the blood tumor DNA of the blood.At present, this technology is still repeatedly verified, and the latest results are expected to come out next year."He said that through the artificial intelligence diagnostic system and blood DNA detection technology of the lung nodule, the accuracy of judgment can be further improved, and its specificity and sensitivity can reach more than 93%.

It is reported that Shenzhen breathing breathingIn 2015, the Institute of Diseases passed the "Three Projects" project of Shenzhen Medical and Health, and introduced the team of Academician Zhong Nanshan in the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health.Honor of the Institute