Faced with high -pressure big cities and the pressure of employment under the economic slowdown, the new generation of Chinese youths have set off a trend of "going to the countryside" and returned to the countryside to pursue a slow -paced life.However, most rural areas still wither "hollow" and lack employment opportunities. Is it a helpless choice to return to the countryside, or is it better?

Liu Bin, who worked hard in the city for 10 years, left from a technology company in Shanghai last year. He came to the countryside in Fujian in March this year to live a long -lasting rural life.

He in a two -storey attic of a lush mountain forest and facing the stream of the stream in Xingtou Village, Xiling Township, Pingnan County, Ningde City, rented 1,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about 186 yuan)A 100 -square -meter house opened a book called "Mingxin Book House".

Before coming to Lugou Village, 33 -year -old Liu Bin has been doing software development in Hangzhou and Shanghai.In 2021, a tide of layoffs broke out in China's Internet manufacturer. He left Hangzhou in the cold winter of the Internet industry and went to Shanghai.However, after a few months of sealing the city in Shanghai, he felt that he was not looking forward to the city's life, so he decided not to stay in a big city to make a living.

Liu Bin, his hometown in northern Jiangsu, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "I am in the countryside. I have a great price in the city. There is a sense of instability in urban life ...Let's have a high mortgage, medical, and educational expenditures. "

Even if you work hard for a lifetime, it is difficult to ensure that you can take root in big cities. This is a more common mentality of young Chinese people working in cities.

Compared with the fast -paced and high -consumption of the city, Laotou Village is naturally beautiful and the living expenses are relatively low. Liu Bin finally decided to stay here to create his own ideal life.

Excluding the rent of the book bar, Liu Bin's monthly expenses are only about 1,000 yuan.

He said that low -cost life allows him to control the time more autonomously and do what he wants to do."If you don't want to open a shop, go to reading, painting, writing poetry, and participating in community organization activities. The rural neighbors are easy to get along."

In the face of unemployment pressure, more young people want to change their lifestyle

As Chinese society is increasingly "rolled", in the face of the pressure of unemployment and work, more Chinese youths have begun to shift from cities to villages, pursuing a lifestyle that gets rid of anxiety and "lying flat".

However, Liu Bin didn't think he chose to live in the countryside to "lie flat".He said that he just changed a longing for life.

"After all, I still have to do things." He explained that he invested nearly 100,000 yuan in books, which is his first entrepreneurial project in the village.The popularity is not as prosperous as other villages nearby, and there are more free time.

Although no public data shows how many young people in China have chosen to live in the countryside in recent years, on social media such as Douyin and Xiaohongshu, "returning to the countryside" has become a new fashion for young people.Some Internet celebrity bloggers sharing their daily return to their hometown can always lead to resonance and hot discussion among many young people, and some views are as high as billions of times.

According to a report released by the Rural Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in April this year, as of December 2021, there were more than 40,000 three farmers creators on the Douyin platform, of which the city's white -collar workers returned to their hometowns to start their own business, accounting for 21%; Migrant workers and college students accounted for 17%and 13%, respectively.Among all creators, the return of youth from 31 to 40 accounted for 54%.

Zhang Ye, an associate researcher of the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Economic Research, told China News Weekly that 62.96%of the "digital farmers" of Douyin have college degree or above, 33.33%have bachelor's degree or higher degree or above.Essence

Survey: More than 70 % of the interviewed young people believe that the countryside is more attractive

The China Youth Daily's survey of 2007 young people also showed that over 70 % of the interviewed young people felt that the countryside was more attractive to young people, mainly because the pace of life was slow, the competitive pressure was low, and the living expenses were low.

The new generation of Chinese youths "go to the countryside", some people are looking for a more ideal lifestyle, and some people find development opportunities for less developed rural areas.

33 -year -old Zhao Yanjun from Yao Village, Lukeng Town, Shaoguan, Shaoguan, Shaoguan.In an interview, he said that returning home is mainly because he is optimistic about the market potential of agricultural products in his hometown, the longing for rural life, and the hometown of hometown that is difficult to give up.

33-year-old Zhao Yanjun returned to their hometowns to help local bee farmers solve sales problems and built their own bee farms to drive the local beekeeping industry.(Provided by the respondent)

After graduating from college, Zhao Yanjun found an e -commerce -related job at a Internet company in Guangzhou.When doing e -commerce, he found that Lukeng Town of his hometown as a national nature reserve, with a wide forest area and rich plant types, especially the honey produced in deep mountains is rich in amino acids, high nutritional value, but only relying on the traditional line onlySales, it is difficult to sell, let alone sell the price.

In 2015, Zhao Yanjun decided to return home to start a business and use the resources of e -commerce to help local farmers open product sales.He said: "I learned marketing, and I caught up with the vigorous development of e -commerce.

Driven by him, the agricultural products in Lukeng Town were sold throughout the country, and the problem of dozens of local bee farm honey was basically solved.

Product sales are well -made, and Zhao Yanjun has transformed to build her own beekeeping farm and honey packaging factory.After five years of continued investment, Zhao Yanjun's bee farm has increased to six, and it is listed as a demonstration base for Yaoshan Bee breeding.

Take the civil servant exam to rural areas to be responsible for grassroots work

At the moment when the youth unemployment rate is high and the employment market has more monks, there are also Chinese university graduates to participate in the highly competitive civil servant exams, and seek grassroots work at the difficult rural areas to achieve employment breakthroughs.

About 16% of the expansion of civil servants in the country is mostly in rural areas

In order to alleviate employment pressure, many provinces in China have expanded civil servants.According to statistics from Caixin.com, the overall expansion of civil servants across the country this year increased by about 16%compared with last year, of which Gansu, Yunnan, Guangxi and other provinces expanded more than 50%.Most of the posts that are expanded are in grassroots rural areas, thereby guiding young people to employment in rural areas.

Meng Jie (pseudonym), a 23 -year -old college graduate, defeated more than a dozen competitors in the civil service examination last year and got a "iron rice bowl" for rural grassroots work.

Meng Jie said that his work is mainly related to the safety of rural and farmers.In autumn, his task is to "patrol the mountains" to find the hidden fire hazards in the mountains; enter the winter, he will check the heating facilities from home to prevent villagers from getting gas poisoning.

These tasks have nothing to do with the majors he studied in the university, and the income of grass -roots work is far from expected.At present, his monthly income is about 3,500 yuan, which is not as good as the official monthly income of 5,990 yuan in a monthly college graduates in 2022.

Meng Jie admits: "Reality and dreams are indeed a gap, but this is not the main."

The humble rural living environmentThe monotonous amateur life makes Meng Jie, who grew up in Dacheng City, feels uncomfortable.He said: "Two people and one dormitory are not convenient to keep pets, and the restaurant is not much optional."

In order to make life more comfortable, at the same time, he can set up adopted pets, he spent 1,500 yuan per month to rent a house in the county.Every weekend, he will also drive a car sponsored by his parents and drive back to the city for more than two hours to meet with friends.

He hesitated whether he would persist in the countryside.He said, "I don't like the current job, but I feel that I can't keep going like this."

Analysis: Youth returns to hometown reflects two mentality

Tan Gangqiang, director of the Chongqing Concord Psychological Consultant Office, pointed out in an interview that more and more young Chinese people yearn for or return to rural life and work have reflected two mentality.

First of all, the helplessness of being forced.He explained that some young people have encountered difficulties in the development of urban life, especially college graduates, and have encountered a depression of employment. Without the foundation of survival, they can only retreat to the countryside first, and the rural living expenses are low. They can save themselves first.

The second is a positive choice.He said that some young people found that they were not suitable for cities, and there were new choices in life, and they would go more conducive to their development and take the initiative to return to the countryside.

The official call for the economic slowdown

As the Chinese economy slows down, in the face of The highest unemployment rate in the rural areas and the rural areas are increasing.With hollowing, the Chinese government called on young people to "go to the countryside" and invest in rural construction.

In June this year, the unemployment rate of urban people from 16 to 24 in China soared to 21.3%, a historical highest level.After the official, Met the announcement of the youth unemployment rate data .

The employment prospects of young people are not optimistic.In 2024, the fresh graduates of ordinary colleges and universities are expected to reach 11.79 million, an increase of 2%over this year. The number of college graduates reached a new high, and the slowdown of economic growth means that more people will face employment pressure.

At the Central Rural Working Conference at the end of last year, Chinese officials asked officials to guide university graduates in an orderly manner to help them solve their worries, so that they could stay and start a business.

Guangdong plans to mobilize more than 300,000 youth to the countryside

Guangdong Province launched a three -year action plan for the three years of returning to the countryside in Guangdong in February this year. It is planned to mobilize more than 300,000 youth to go to the countryside by the end of 2025 to support rural development.

This year's employment season, nine departments such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission also jointly issued documents to encourage college students to play the director, return home to start a business, and participate in rural revitalization.

Liu Bin invests in the Mingxin Book House invested and operated in Pingtou Village, Pingnan County, Fujian.(Provided by the respondent)

Many places provide different forms of support for young people to start a business in rural areas.Liu Bin, who is operating in the rural business letter in Fujian, said that the reason why he could settle down quickly in the countryside and tailored entrepreneurial assistance measures for the local youth of the countryside.

He said: "The hand -made coffee, ice cream, and refreshments in the book bar are all made by myself. These are learned from the free public welfare training class after coming to the village."

In order to allow young people to leave something to do and have business, the village will also teach how to run self -media and do event planning basic skills.

Liu Bin's Village and the surrounding ancient villages have developed a cultural and creative industry under the drive of a group of artistic coffees, and changed from the "hollow village" to tourists and art lovers in the eyes of the "empty village"."Net Red Village", attracting young people to return to home.

Is it really a good way to return to home?

Young people escape from the city and return to the countryside. Many are to postpone the process of finding a job in the city, but the lack of business and employment in rural areas. Is it a long time for most people to return to the country?Can young people do in rural areas to solve the problem of long -term "hollow" in rural areas?

A peasant entrepreneur who returned to his hometown 14 years ago in an interview that compared with more than 10 years ago, his rural life was getting better and better, but few youths returned to rural roots.

He said that the maximum monthly income of villagers is only 2,000 to three thousand yuan. No young people are willing to return to take root in the countryside and engage in low income.

He also took his own entrepreneurial experience as an example. When he returned to his hometown to start a business in 2010, he was the youngest entrepreneur in the village.

More than ten years have passed. He is still the youngest entrepreneur, and most of the agriculture in the village is over 70 years old. "Those who are under the age of 65 go to the city to work.

Rural lack of employment opportunities, and it is even more difficult to start a business.The peasant entrepreneur named Wang said that services related to agriculture and rural areas are waiting for development, but rural aging is serious, entrepreneurial investment is large, and the risks are high. For young people who lack funds and have no entrepreneurial experience, it is difficult to be in rural areas in rural areas.Entrepreneurship success.

In recent years, with the rapid development of China's rural development, among the 490,000 administrative villages across the country, more and more beautiful villages have become economic income, which has also attracted young people.Back; but in most rural areas, it is still difficult to keep young people.

Experts: Poor conditions such as reducing infrastructure and income in rural employment positions

Chen Jingjing, a member of the research group of Beijing Nonghe Home Comprehensive Agricultural Association and the founder of Tudu Management Consulting Studio, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that there are actually fewer and fewer employment in rural areas;Compared with the city, there is still a certain gap compared with the city. In the short term, more university graduates and young people should return to their hometowns to start a business. It is not realistic.

He said that the rural people are willing to come and keep young people who need rural construction better than cities."Only when the countryside has developed, the living conditions have become better, and there are more employment opportunities, and young people will return and stay."