Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang signed the State Council Order to announce the regulations on donation and transplantation of human organs. This regulations shall be implemented from May 1, 2024. No organization or individual may buy or sell human organs in any form, shall not engage in engagingActivities related to buying and selling human organs.

Xinhua News Agency reported the above news on Thursday (December 14).A total of 50 human organ donations and transplant regulations include that any organization or individual may not buy or sell human organs in any form, and shall not engage in activities related to human organs; human organ donation shall follow the principles of voluntary and free.Citizens enjoy the right to donate or not donate their human organs; no organization or individual may force, deceive or seduce others to donate human organs.

At the same time, if a citizen expressed his disagreement to donate his body organs during his lifetime, no organization or individual may donate or obtain the citizen's body organs; if the citizen did not say that he did not agree to donate his body organs during his lifetime, the citizen's death was after the death of the citizen's deathThe spouse, adult children, and parents can jointly decide the donation, and the donation should be written in writing.

The regulations for human organs donation and transplantation also mentioned that if medical institutions engaged in the obtained by the body organs are also engaged in human organ transplantation, the departments responsible for the acquisition of the body organs shall be independent of the department of human organ transplantation.

According to the China News Agency, Lei Haichao, deputy director of the China National Health and Health Commission, said last Saturday (December 9) that China will not retain the experience of sharing organs donation and transplantation in all countries in the world.And technology, jointly enhance the ability of organ transplantation services and sustainable development, allowing organ transplantation technology to benefit more people.