The Hong Kong Star Zhou Haimei, known as the "Most Beautiful Zhou Yiruo".After the news of her death for a day on Weibo, her studio confirmed on Tuesday (December 12): "Sister Haimei was not effective due to illness and left us on December 11."

Zhou Haimei, who was only 57 -year -old, died of suddenly illness, causing many netizens to sigh and emotions. The classic figures and clips she had starred in the screens in major social media.

After sorting out the acting career of Zhou Haimei for more than 30 years, the media began to focus on the reasons for Zhou Haimei's death. Medical vocabulary such as "low platelets" and "lupus erythematosus" became a hot search word."Zhou Haimei's lives alone" has also become a hot topic.

Many Chinese media expressed regret for Zhou Haimei's sudden death, and also emphasized his "unmarried unmarried life" in the title or article, and recalled Zhou Haimei's own life exposed in an interview in recent years.

In these interviews, Zhou Haimei was quite satisfied with her alone life. She said that she "had reached the life she wanted", and she did not deny that "without getting married, she lived quickly and lived happily."

Zhou Haimei repeatedly stated in the interview that she did not want to get married.(Internet)

Zhou Haimei also made it clear many times: "I don't have to find a man to be around, hindering my hands", "I don't think how good it is to get married ... I don't like to give people in charge."

Zhou Haimei admitted in an interview that unwilling to marry to become restraint.(Video interception)

Nevertheless, the media still associates Zhou Haimei's death with the lifestyle of living alone, implying that if it wasn't for living alone, the tragedy of Zhou Haimei's sudden death may have been avoided.

"Zhou Haimei's alone" on Thursday (December 14) climbed up on Weibo hot search, but was condemned and criticized by netizens.

Many netizens believe that this is "the threat theory of lonely to induce singleists to get married", "consumer deceased", "eating human blood buns", "using celebrities to died in disguise marriage."

Some netizens refuted: "Can you save your life when you get married? Did you have seen a woman who was violently being violent, infectious by her husband, and pushed down the cliff by her husband?"

Some netizens also cited an anti -examples: Don't dying without living alone?"I have a relative who gave birth to four children. Before she died, she lost breath in the old home. No one found it."

China's Lone Residence Status

The strong rebound of Chinese netizens on this topic also highlights China's lonely trend in the past two years.

The seventh census released by China in 2021 shows that China's "one -person household" reached 125 million, accounting for 25.40%of the total number of households.Compared with the fifth National Census (8.30%) and the sixth national census (13.98%) in 2010, China's residence has a significant upward trend.

The new solo era report released by the Shell Research Institute of China Real Estate Research Institute preliminary prediction that by 2030, the number of Chinese lives may reach 150 million to 200 million, and the settlement rate may exceed 30%.

The official survey also shows that, in addition to the rise in the proportion of alone in the elderly, the proportion of urban young people aged 20 to 49 has also increased significantly.The survey pointed out that these youths that are concentrated in first -tier and key second -tier cities are constructing the "new age of living alone."

"Living alone" and "empty nest youth" related topics and videos have attracted much attention on social platforms.In 2021, the Douyin topic "Lonely Diary" received 5.2 billion playback volume, and "one -person food notes" obtained 4.2 billion playback volume.

But for the living conditions of a young man, Chinese public opinion has a relatively negative stereotype, and even the negative labels of "lonely", "contradiction" and "psychological problem".

For example, "one person lives alone, two eyes, three meals takeaway, Taobao Taobao" is usually used to summarize the living picture of the resident.

The journal hosted by the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency, half a month, also reported in 2021 and also reported on a large number of problems.The article said that the "empty nest youth" in big cities because of social relationships and busy work, or passively or proactively into the "four -no" situation of no social, no sense of belonging, no motivation for communication, and long -term planning.Psychological is in a state of contradictions that enjoy loneliness and eager to accompany.

But under the topic of "Living Life Life" released on the Douban Group, many young people share their own lives, including food, fitness, reading and other hobbies.The report described as sluggish, but a sunny young man with self -discipline and self -discipline.

A netizen showed a solo life under the topic of the Douban Group's "Living Life Life Guide".(Douban Group)

At the same time, living young people have also spawned the "living economy". Many Chinese businesses have made "one -person" signboard. "One person" hot pot and "one person" tourism attract more young people.The rise of small appliances in China's domestic market is also related to the phenomenon of settlement alone.

To solve the problem of settlement alone, solve the resident?

China's population has a negative growth last year, the first time in 60 years.The official is anxious about the continuous decline of fertility. The governments of various local governments have racked their brains in the past few years.

The Study of the China Think Tank Population Study on Monday (December 11) published an article signed by the expert team that the current Chinese economy is the best investment, and emphasizes that "fertility is both family affairs and state affairs."

At this section of bones, it is emphasized that individual liberal lonely groups are continuously growing. Chinese officials are obviously unhappy, so they may also indulge in public opinion hot spots and further play on this topic.

But just as a netizen left a message under the "Zhou Haimei's Live Domination": Binding Zhou Haimei's death and living alone is not only disrespect for Zhou Haimei, but also disrespect for the resident.

Some netizens pointed out that if there are some security risks in the loneliness, then it should be solved by solo problem, not solitary residents.

Another choice?

Du Peng, vice chairman of the Chinese Population Society and director of the Institute of Elderly, Renmin University of China, said in an interview with the Beijing News in October that the proportion of the elderly alone is an inevitable trend.Government and society should promote aging renovation,The construction of a friendly environment and society for the elderly helps live alone to improve the quality of life in his old age.

China's short video new media "One" last Friday (December 8) released a video about "women's common practice of 100 years ago", which caused discussions among netizens.

The video introduced the situation of self -combing women (unmarried women for life) a hundred years ago, in order to take care of each other and the end of the elderly, raise funds to buy houses and live together.

This introduction of a video about the self-combed girl has triggered discussion among netizens.(Video interception)

Some netizens have left a message, "Thank you for letting me see these possibilities."

In fact, modern Chinese women are also exploring this "co -living model".In August of this year, 47 women gathered in a mountain forest villa in Guizhou, and carried out a one -month "Guizhou Dai Village Common Experiment".

In China, a well -known professor and famous writer Ueno Kiyosaki, a well -known professor in Japan, has actively lived in a solitary lifestyle in his old age, and vigorously advocated the home care model and "nursing de -family".

According to her observation, in Japan, where the population is seriously aging, people's prejudice against the elderly alone has disappeared. The society generally recognizes that "living alone or separate from children, which is better for the elderly."

From the perspective of national governance, Chinese officials' concerns about fertility plan can also be understood, but the use of public opinion demons and unmarried people is not a strategy.Pay attention to the practical level of response to aging society: how to formulate the development of medical security, the development of the pension industry, and the establishment of a dying care mechanism.