(Beijing Comprehensive News) The well -known Hong Kong actor Zhou Haimei died of illness in Beijing on Monday (December 11) in Beijing. A hospital staff was detained by the Beijing police for leaking his first aid medical record.

Comprehensive Nine School News, China Youth Daily and other reports, screenshots of medical records sent to a hospital for a hospital in Shunyi District, Beijing during their lifetime were recently circulated on the Internet.The medical records recorded her personal information and time of consultation in detail.

Beijing Shunyi Public Security reported on Thursday (December 14) that the police recently investigated and dealt with the privacy cases of others.A 36 -year -old man Fu Moumou used his convenience to work in a hospital in Shunyi District. He took a photo of a patient's personal medical record to WeChat group on December 11, resulting in the spread of information, resulting in a bad society, causing a bad societyThe influence, the public security detention is actually administrative.

According to the Beijing News on the 13th, the hospital found two people involved in the leakage and transferred the police. In addition to the above -mentioned hospital employees, the other was a friend of the employee.

The screenshot of the suspected Zhou Haimei's medical records was circulated on the 13th on the 13th, which quickly caused heated discussion.Some Chinese netizens said, "It must be strictly checked, too moral bottom line"

China News Network reported that An Xiang, director of Jingdexiang Law Firm, pointed out that any personal medical records are personal privacy. Only when the law allows specific circumstances, the patient, close relatives or related legal organs can retrieve it.The leakage of the disease is serious privacy violations, and relevant hospitals and individuals must bear legal responsibility.

According to the Chinese practicing physician law, if the doctor leaked the privacy of patients during the practice and caused serious consequences, it will face a warning or order to suspend the suspension of six months and less than one year of practice.The practice certificate will be revoked.

China Criminal Law stipulates that the behavior of illegally selling or providing personal information of citizens may constitute the crime of infringing on the personal information of citizens.The circumstances are particularly serious, in prison for more than three years, and less than seven years, and fined fines.Those who will be sold or provided to others in the process of fulfilling their duties or providing the personal information obtained during the service shall be punished according to regulations.