On Tuesday (December 12), Canada accused China of accusing China of "more and more worrying intimidation behaviors" in the Philippines in the South China Sea. The Chinese Embassy in Canada said on Wednesday (December 13) that Canada as aOutside -territory, to cheer up the Filipino's infringement of Chinese sovereignty, harm the region to peace and stability, and strongly condemn it.

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Canada, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Canada said on Wednesday that the above incident said that the statement issued by the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, ignoring the facts, reversing black and white, and to the Chinese side in Renai Reef (PhilippinesCalled Ayunjin Reef) and Huangyan Island's legitimate law enforcement actions of law enforcement are explained, and China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition.

The spokesman said that Huangyan Island is an inherent territory in China. Renai Reef is part of the Nansha Islands in China.The sovereignty that can be argued.Filipino vessels did not invade the Huangyan Island and Renai Reef's nearby waters without the permission of China. The Chinese Maritime Police took necessary measures according to law to operate professional restraint, reasonable and legal.The Philippine side violated its own commitment to infringement and provocation. It was not the Chinese side that destroyed the regional peace and stability.

The spokesman pointed out that there is no problem with the freedom of HNA China. China has always respected and supported the freedom of navigation and flying in the South China Sea according to the international law.The arbitral tribunal of the South China Sea Arbitration violated the principle of "national consent", tried to trial, referee, and seriously violated the United Nations Convention on Ocean Law and General International Law. The ruling made is illegal and invalid.China does not accept or recognize the illegal ruling, and does not accept any claims and actions based on the illegal ruling.

The spokesman emphasized that the South China Sea is the common homeland of the regional countries, and "should not be a hunting ground for Geng and the United States to seek geopolitical and private."As a foreign country, Canada cheered up the Filipino's violation of the Chinese sovereignty, violating the UN Charter's purpose and principles, and harming the regional peace and stability. China has strongly condemned this.

The spokesman said that China will continue to take necessary measures in accordance with domestic law and international law, resolutely cope with any infringement provocative act, and firmly safeguard its own territorial sovereignty and marine rights."We urge Canada to respect China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea, stop making incidents in the South China Sea, provoking confrontation, and destroying regional peace and stability."Conflicts have continued to heat up bilateral tensions.

The China Sea Police Station issued a notice twice last Sunday (10th) that two Philippine maritime ships, a business ship and a shipbuilding ship broke into the Nansha Islands Renai Reef.In an attempt to transport supplies to the illegal "beach" warships, the Chinese Maritime Police adopted "control measures" on these vessels.

The China Sea Police Department said on Saturday (9th) that the Filipino ships of the three "invaded" Huangyan Island were implemented by the Philippine vessels near the sea.High -pressure water cannon.

The Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Tuesday to condemn China to adopt "more and more worrying intimidation behaviors" to the Philippines in the South China Sea, and called on both parties to comply with the UN Marine Law Convention and the 2016 South China Sea Arbitration Case in 2016ruling.