The late actor Zhou Haimei sent medical records to rescue rescue during his lifetime circulating on the Internet. The Chinese police detained a 36 -year -old man who sent medical records to WeChat group.

The Shunyi Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau reported on Weibo on Thursday (December 14) that the police investigated and dealt with the privacy cases of others.On the 11th, the man involved in the case used his convenience of working in a hospital in Shunyi District. Out of showing off, he took a photo of a patient's personal medical record to WeChat group, causing information to spread and cause bad social impact.

The Shunyi Public Security Branch said that they had taken administrative detention of Fu Moumou in accordance with the law.CCTV News reported that the man's leakage of Zhou Haimei's medical records was detained.

Zhou Haimei Studio announced on Weibo on Tuesday (12th) that Zhou Haimei was invalid due to illness and died on December 11 at the age of 57.

Comprehensive Red Star News and the Beijing News reported that the medical records that Zhou Haimei was sent to the hospital during her lifetime appeared on the Internet on the evening of the 12th, and recorded the relevant rescue information of Zhou Haimei in detail.In response to the Health and Health Committee of Beijing Shunyi District, they were intervening in the investigation.

The above medical records also mention a hospital in Shunyi District, Beijing.A staff member of the hospital's propaganda department confirmed that the medical records circulated were real, and the hospital was investigating how the medical records leaked.

The Beijing News on Wednesday (December 13) quoted people involved in the hospital involved that the two were accused of leaking Zhou Haimei's medical records and transferred to the police.The case involved is a hospital employee and a friend of the employee.