The Shanghai police launched a operation and sale of fake and fake well -known brands of liquor Moutai, destroyed 14 denominations, investigated and dealt with six criminal gangs, arrested 21 suspects, about 20 million yuan (RMB, the same below, the same is about, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment, the appointment,S $ 3.75 million).

Comprehensive surging news and upstream news on Thursday (December 14) reported that the Shanghai Public Security Bureau Food and Drug Investigation Corps led seven branches in the city to detect and sell counterfeit Moutai series cases, cut off moreThe complete criminal chain of "collection, irrigation, and sales" is the one, and six criminal gangs are investigated and dealt with.There are five sets of fake equipment such as instilling aircraft, and more than 20,000 high -end liquor bottle and fake packaging materials used for crime, with a amount involved in more than 2 million yuan.

In August of this year, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Food and Drug Investigation Federation found through a network inspection that some people sold the police's attention through the online platform to sell Moutai's handbags, packaging boxes, anti -counterfeiting cards and other bags, which attracted the attention of the police.Police follow -up found that these bags were counterfeit, and the main flow was Gu Mou, a buyer in Shanghai.

After investigation, Gu Mou rented a facade room in the suburbs of Shanghai. A fake Moutai packaging material was specially used to store purchased. There were often a lot of empty bottle in the house, which was very suspicious.In the middle of the night, Gu Mou transferred the empty bottle and bag in the house to a car in a business office building a few kilometers away, and until it was shipped out of the box in the early morning.

The survey showed that Gu Mou's boxed liquor was finally sold to dealers Wu Mou and others, while Wu Mou and others were also led by many provinces and cities in China, led by Ran and othersThe other five criminal gangs purchase fake wine.

From December 5th to 10th of this year, the Shanghai police launched a wave of receiving network closing operations under the command and deployment of the Ministry of Public Security.

On -site videos show that in a decent, there are a large number of counterfeit brand liquor bags that have not been packaged.There are several bottles filled with half of the bulk liquor, as well as some fake equipment such as funnel, electronic scales, and cover machines without labels.After identification, the finished white wine seized on the spot is all counterfeit brand products.

It is found that since May this year, six criminal gangs led by the suspect Gu and others have been leased in many criminal gangs, and the rental houses, facades, and commercial buildings are rented.Fake liquor den, buy a large number of counterfeit Moutai bags from the low price online, and buy empty wine bottles at high prices from some restaurants, restaurants, and smoke hotels.

Subsequently, Gu and others instructed the gang members to use low -grade wine, bulk liquor as raw materials, use funnel, instilling machines and other tools to fill them in the genuine white wine bottle they acquired, and then process and encapsulateThe packaging finished products are finally handed over to martial arts and other dealers. At a slightly lower market price of 50 yuan to 100 yuan, through social software publishing advertisements and other methods, they lied to the genuine sales to many provinces and cities across the country.

At present, 18 criminal suspects such as Gu Mou have been criminally detained by the police in accordance with the law for the crime of suspected counterfeit registered trademarks and selling counterfeit registered trademarks.The case is still under investigation.