China has launched special operations from now on, rectifying technology generates false short videos, tampering or disconnection of official information released by officially released as short video information content is poor.

The National Internet Information Office of China announced on Tuesday (December 12) on the WeChat public account that the CPC Central Caixin Office will be a monthly "clear -way rectification short video information content guidance" special special issueDuring the operation, centralized rectification of pseudo -information problems, improper behaviors of short video display, and short video dissemination wrong ideas.

Technology generates false short videos, use artificial intelligence and other technical construction and stitching content, use the portraits and sounds of others to replace or synthesize human voice in illegal use, and generate false short videos.Essence

The Central Network Information Office will also rectify the shooting and make false short videos, "ignore the facts tampering with the transformation false", and tampered with the official information released by the official release., Show high -risk behavior, and create vulgar people. "Through short video special effects and props, deliberately dress up, and use the names of" anti -string 'to create vulgar people, challenge public aesthetics without bottom line ".

The Internet Information Office will also rectify the intention of intentionally infringing the national customs, inciting national hatred or regional discrimination, "spread the wrong view of marriage, intentionally create gender opposition", "spread the wrong career view, advocate no means and negative worldly nicknames worldwide, Spread short videos of error values ​​such as Hyuna and Gold, Luxury and Lewlo. "

Special operations will focus on solving problems such as deviations and insufficient high -quality short video presentation of short video platform algorithms, and strengthen the platform review and check.

The Internet Information Office announced special operations last month, seriously investigating and dealing with anchor accounts of organizing hard PK and live broadcasts, and severely punished the publishing self -media account of the party content that deliberately instigated the Internet.Close a group of circles, superiority, and posting it with insulting vocabulary, network suffix, and stickers, and turn off the merchant stores that provide paid scolding services.