(New York Comprehensive News) Dr. Gao Yaojie, an expert in the prevalent of the famous disease of Chinese love, died in New York at the age of 95 on Sunday (December 10).She was known as the first person in China "the first person of" folk AIDS (AIDS, the disease of love, the disease of love, the disease of love) "for exposing the blood transaction of Henan in China in the 1990s.

Comprehensive New York Times and China Overseas Chinese Network reported that Gao Yaojie was born in Shandong. After graduating from Henan University Medical College, he worked in Henan Province for a long time.She began to control and rescue the disease of love since 1997, and began to rescue the orphan of the disease of love since 2000.

Gao Yaojie first came into contact with the disease of love in 1996, and then found that many healthy people were infected by blood transfusion in Henan, and even the "AIDS village" in the local area.She called to close the blood station, treat the infected villagers, and expose the blood industry chain of rural Henan to the outside world, and asked for accountability to officials.

It is reported that Gao Yaojie issued more than 1.2 million publicity leaflets to prevent love, written seven books on the prevention and treatment of diseases of love, and visited more than 100 villages and more than 1,000 patients in 16 provinces and cities in China.The information of all the patients I came into contact was recorded, leaving important information on the prevention and treatment of important diseases.

Gao Yaojie's persistence has won reputation in China and was praised by the international community.She has been rated as "Asian Heroes" by Times Weekly, and is also the winner of "2003 Top Ten Chinese Characters".

But according to the Broadcasting Corporation, her work in Henan was retaliated by the official local local local officials at that time, and even her personal freedom was repeatedly disturbed.In order to protect the epidemic and patient information she collected, she left China in 2009 at the age of 82, went to the United States in 2009, and has since lived in New York.

Gao Yaojie said in an interview earlier that "the disease of prevention is a war without smoke and guns, a war that is related to future society, and should attract the attention of all people of insight."