Aiming at the British statement, accusing China of the South China Sea an act on the Philippines in the South China Sea, "unsafe and upgrading the situation" in the Philippines, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in the UK stated that on Monday (December 11)The remarks involved in the South China Sea resolutely opposed and strongly condemned the British unjustly accusations, and had proposed to the British with solemnly.

According to a statement issued by the Chinese embassy website in the British embassy website, the spokesman said that the facts that have recently occurred in the seas near Huangyan Island and Renai Reef (the Philippines).clear.Regardless of the Chinese ships repeatedly discouraged and warned, the Philippine vessels insisted on making breakthroughs in the waters near Huangyan Island and Renai Reef, and even hit the Chinese sea police ships at the scene in a dangerous way.The Philippine acts seriously violated the Chinese sovereignty and endangered the safety of Chinese ships and personnel. The Chinese maritime police ships were blocked according to law and adopted warning law enforcement measures. On -site operations and restraint were beyond debate.The related incident is the first priority of the Philippines, and the responsibility is completely in the Philippines.

The spokesman pointed out that Britain does not condemn the Philippines's provocative behavior, but instead says that China ’s legitimate law enforcement operations of maritime rights protection law enforcement are described.Shameful, his heart can be stunned.

The spokesman also said that China's rights and interests in the South China Sea were formed in the long -term historical process, with sufficient historical and legal basis.The British side with the illegal and invalid South China Sea arbitration ruling cannot affect the firm determination and strong will of Chinese side to safeguard its own territorial sovereignty and marine rights in accordance with the law.China urged the British to respect China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea, stop moving right and wrong, provoked separation, and effectively stopped harming peace and stability in the South China Sea region.

China and the Philippines have conflicts in the disputed waters of the South China Sea for two consecutive days, causing the bilateral tensions to continue to heat up.

The China Sea Police Station issued a notice twice on Sunday (10th) that two Philippine maritime ships, a business ship and a shipbuilding ship broke into the Nansha Islands Ren'ai Reef are adjacent to the sea.To transport the illegal "beach" warships, the Chinese maritime police took "control measures" on these vessels.

The China Sea Police Station said on Saturday (9th) that the Philippine ships of the three "invaded" Huangyan Island were implemented in control measures and control measures, while the Philippines condemned China to launch high pressure on the Philippine vessels that perform conventional supplies.Water cannon.

The US State Department spokesman Miller issued a statement on Sunday (10th), accusing China of intervention in the legitimate maritime activities and destruction of the Philippines, and urging China to stop the "dangerous behavior" in the South China Sea.

A spokesman for the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Monday, accusing China of "unsafe and upgrading the situation" by the Philippines in the South China Sea, and called on both parties to abide by the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law and 2016 South China 2016 South China.The Chinese sea arbitration decision.