Tu Du Di Song

Four people familiar with such discussions said that some Chinese chip design companies, including Tencent Holdings, are actively selling their artificial intelligence (AI) chips. I hope that the export restrictions on the United States can promote customers to choose to use themProducts to replace NVIDIA chips.

Nvidia AI chip accounts for more than 90%of China's $ 7 billion artificial intelligence chip market.

However, in October, the United States strengthened its export control of strategic technology in October, so that companies with small -scale Smart Smart Capitals supported by the state support the country supported the courage to the American giant NVIDIA.

The outside world generally believes that Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. has made the biggest progress. Its Shengteng 910B can be compared with NVIDIA's A100 in terms of computing power, although the overall performance is still comparable.

Dante of Tencent and some small AI companies are speeding up the launch of chip products and organizing more marketing visits.They bet, although the US regulations only affect the most advanced chips, they may still allow customers to discourage NVIDIA.

Two of them said that Tencent has been promoting the service of the AI ​​reasoning chip "Zixiao" developed by the cooperation with deep learning startups, and it is comparable to that of some NVIDIA chips.

One of them said that Tencent is promoting its Purple V1 version as a cheap alternative to NVIDIA's A10, which is used for image and voice knowledge of other artificial intelligence applications.The person said that Tencent is also selling the upcoming V2Pro version, which is optimized for artificial intelligence training and can replace Nvidia's L40S that has now been prevented.

Tencent uses Zixiao chip inside, and does not sell directly to external customers.It rents computing capabilities to customers through cloud services, and cloud services also provide NVIDIA or AMD (Chaowei/Super Weir) chips as a choice.

Tencent said that except for the current version, it has no plan to develop Zixiao.

"The purpose of Tencent Design Zixiao is to supplement our cloud products and solutions on the premise of compliance with laws and regulations. It can only be provided to customers through Tencent Cloud's corporate services."

Other companies are also promoting direct selling products.The two sources said that Tencent supported ENFLAME and Iluvatar Corex. It has been promoting the upcoming upgraded version of the product as an alternative to NVIDIA's advanced A100 chip.工hara Technology has artificial intelligence (AI) training acceleration card "Yunyun".Sky Digital Zhixin produces the "Sky" graphics processor (GPU).

The third source said that Hygon Information is promoting its newly released "God Calculation No. 2" GPU. Its design has been compatible with NVIDIA's chip computing platform, which means that NVIDIA users of NVIDIA usersYou only need to make a small design change to replace the chip.

Last month, startup, Intellifusion, released the DeepDge 10 chip, competing with NVIDIA's upcoming H20 chip competition.

The fourth person said that Yun Tian Lifei released the product in advance to use the situation of NVIDIA.Although the chip has not yet been mass -produced, it has issued a permission to customers.

科 科 <<, Tian Digital Zhixin, Haiguang Information and Yun Tian Lifei did not immediately respond to the request of the comment.NVIDIA will not comment.

"Our competitors in China are a large number of start -ups ... There are about 50 startups focusing on artificial intelligence. Huawei is a powerful opponent ... We do not lack competitors." Nvidia CEO executedGuan Huang Renxun told reporters in Singapore last week.

Isaiah Research Vice President Lucy Chen said that if Chinese chip design companies have won orders, considering the restrictions on the cooperation between DSE and other founders and Chinese companies in the United States, they may still be difficult to obtain production capacity.

"Most of China's advanced manufacturing technology and advanced packaging capabilities may be preferentially used by Huawei. These emerging companies need to formulate strategies, how to overcome the restrictions of the United States and production restrictions." She said.

White Oak Capital Investment Director Nori Chiou said that despite this, these restrictions still created a market opportunity, because the strategy of the pursuit of technology giants is to have more types of artificial intelligence chips, not just NVIDIA chips, artificial artificial artificially, artificial artificiallyThe sustainability of intelligent strategy is a factor in priority, not performance.

"((United States )'s original goal is to slow down China's artificial intelligence capabilities, but in fact, related actions have promoted China's self -development capabilities."

"Because of these restrictions, many Chinese cloud giants are committed to establishing their own artificial intelligence ecosystem without American chips."