Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphasized that China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with the Arab and Islamic countries to gradually create conditions for returning to the two countries' plans.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that Wang Yi said on Monday (December 11) when he talked with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyang that China's position is to stop the fire as soon as possible.Ensure humanitarian rescue and restore the two countries' plans.China's position is consistent with the Arab countries and has a high consensus with the Islamic countries and the international community.Countries should make a stronger voice on this to form a more consistent position.

Wang Yi said that China believes that any arrangement involving Palestine's future and fate should fully reflect the wishes of the Palestinian people and fully respect the founding of the Palestinian people., Baba Renba "."China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with the Arab and Islamic countries, and gradually create conditions for the return of the" two countries' programs "to continue to play a role in truly solving the Palestinian issue."Heroya called on China to play a positive role and assist in stopping the war.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced that Wang Yi told Abdullahiyan that China supports Iran and Saudi Arabia to continue to improve relations, promote regional national unity work, and truly control regional peace and security in their hands.