The China Internet reported a heavy news last week: Big V Liu Jipeng, a well -known financial and financial field, was suspected to be banned.

Some Chinese netizens broke the news. From last Thursday (December 7), many social platforms such as Douyin, Weibo, and today's headlines have banned the public from paying attention to Liu Jipeng. Sohu Finance also mentioned this on Weibo on Friday.Things, but the relevant posts are not available now.

According to observations, as of 1 pm on Monday (11), Liu Jipeng's Weibo and Bilibili (station) accounts were operating normally, but his Douyin and today's headline accounts showed that "it is forbidden to pay attention to follow"" ".Liu Jipeng's Douyin and today's headlines have 750,000 and 340,000 attention.

Liu Jipeng's headline account showed that it was banned from paying attention to violations.(Today's headline screenshot)

As for whether Liu Jipeng was banned on these platforms, it is not clear.Liu Jipeng's last post on Weibo was late at night last Tuesday (5th), and his headlines, Douyin, and the last update time of station B were also stayed last Tuesday.

Public information shows that Liu Jipeng, 67, is the dean of the Capital Finance Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law, the legal adviser of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the chief expert of the National Social Science Fund, vice chairman of the China Enterprise Reform and Development Research Association, andDeputy Director of the Independent Directors Committee of the China Listed Companies Association.

He also serves as members of the National People's Congress Securities Law Enterprise State -owned Assets Law Securities Investment Fund Law Futures Trading Law, or a well -known joint -stock system and company issues.Investment plan design.

Liu Jipeng often accepts media interviews and publishes views, and often commented on the stock market and related policies through social platforms.

Liu Jipeng is the dean of the Capital Finance Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law, and also serves as a legal consultant of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.(Internet)

Internet rumors said that the reason why Liu Jipeng's suspected ban on the entire network this time is likely to be related to his public comments in the stock market not long ago.

Liu Jipeng attended the annual meeting of NetEase Economist's annual meeting in Beijing in Beijing in Beijing in Beijing in Beijing.According to NetEase Financial's official website, Liu Jipeng said at the time that the relevant system of China's capital market was not perfect. For ordinary shareholders, after solving the problem of "one independent" and the company's corporate reorganization, etc., considerIt is not too late to enter the market.

Liu Jipeng also pointed out that "a unique" is not conducive to the healthy development of the capital market, and the upper limit of the shareholder's shareholding should be pressed to 30%.

Liu Jipeng also talked about the topic at Hexun Finance on December 2.According to Hecai WeChat account, Liu Jipeng said that China's capital market wealth distribution is unfair and lacks justice.On the one hand, regardless of the bear market or bull market, companies have run to the market. On the other hand, in the past 16 years, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has wandered up and down 3000 points, and most investors have not obtained a wealth effect.

For the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index hovering around 3000 points for a long time, Liu Jipeng analyzed that this is because the company's major shareholders put their energy on reducing their holdings and did not put their energy on the management of listed companies.

He further stated that the long -term downturn in the Chinese stock market was because of the system problems. "I think the most essential reason is' one of the unique ', plus the" registered system' fuseThe deficiencies, especially the cutting relationship between the regulatory authorities and the exchange, affects the quality of listed companies. "

On March 7, 2016, several investors watched the electronic board showing the stock information in a brokerage agency in Shanghai.(Reuters file photo)

Liu Jipeng also said at the meeting: "I think the Chinese stock market should rise to 4,000 points, because the current price -earnings ratio is too low ... At present, my country's economic growth is still twice as much as the US economic growth. Maintain a speed of about 5.3%and 5.4%. Such an economic growth rate is twice that of the US economic growth. Therefore, the capital market like A shares should rise to 4,000 points. No confidence "

Some netizens recognized Liu Jipeng's words and thought he had said "conscience.""This is' The real version of the person who does not solve the problem, the person who solves the problem" "To tell the truth, let's shut up!" But some netizens criticized: "It has no effect on the ban, and these people send things.I haven't seen any reference. "

Not only Liu Jipeng was banned

In addition to Liu Jipeng, some netizens also stated on Weibo that the social platforms of many financial and economic Vs have been banned from speaking and paying attention.According to the list listed by the netizens, these people include "water skin More", Hong Rong, Dan Bin, Green, Xiaoyu Wenling Xu Xiaoyu, and Wu Xiaobo.

Self -known Financial Critics's Water Skin More has 1 million fans on the headline today.He has been banned and prohibited for "violating relevant rules".Well -known financial writers Wu Xiaobo, Dan Bin, chairman of Shenzhen Dongfang Harbor Investment Management Co., Ltd., and today's headline account account, who is a professional investor Hong Rong, is also banned for violating rules.But among the three of them, only Hong Rong was banned from paying attention.

Hong Rong posted on Weibo on December 6 and said: "Remind yourself, speak more rigorous, don't pick up things, don't chaos)

Hong Rong, with a Weibo fan of more than 3.5 million fans, said last Wednesday (6th) and said, "Remind yourself, speak more rigorously, do not pick up things, not chaos, and give people inspiration.In the message area, he asked him if he was "warned"???? He answered directly: "This is also seen."

As for what speech was warned, Hong Rong did not disclose which unit was warned.

British Media: Analysts are required to avoid publishing negative remarks

The British Media Financial Times reported in August that many Chinese brokerage analysts, top universities and state -owned think tank researchers said that regulators, employers and even domestic media have instructed them to avoid issues such as outdooring of capital and decline in price.Negative remarks.

The report quotes two think tank scholars and two brokerage analysts that in order to increase the public's confidence, they face the pressure of positive interpretation of economic news.These fourThey are both government consultants.

A consultant who provided consultation for the Central Bank of China said: "The regulatory agency does not want to hear negative comments on the economy in public. They want us to interpret bad news from a positive perspective."

Reporting analysts said that Beijing is seeking to strengthen control over negative comments to boost market confidence.Faith is essential for promoting economic recovery, but it is currently not enough.Wang Dan, the chief economist of Hang Seng Bank, analyzed: "In saving the Chinese economy, confidence is more effective than the government's stimulus."

Recently, a series of disappointing economic data impacts the confidence of investors and the public, and also adds a lot of resistance to China ’s recovery road after the crown disease.

Recently, a series of disappointing economic data impacts the confidence of investors and the public, and also adds a lot of resistance to China on the road of recovery after the crown disease.(Agence France -Presse)

For example, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China last Saturday (9th) showed that the consumer price index (CPI) nationwide decreased by 0.5%year -on -year.This figure is higher than the forecast of economic divisions surveyed by Bloomberg and Reuters, and it is also the largest decline since November 2020.

Falling price is a precursor to shrinking.According to Bloomberg, shrinkage is dangerous for China because it may lead to spiral decline in economic activities; as expected prices continue to fall, consumers may suspend consumption, which will further affect the overall consumption.

According to Xinhua News Agency, China's final consumption expenditure in the third quarter contributed 94.8%to economic growth; in the first half of this year, the final consumption expenditure contributed 77.2%to China's economic growth.

The data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China also shows that the factory price index (PPI) of China's industrial producer (PPI) in November decreased by 3.0%year -on -year, and it has declined for 14 consecutive months.

Earlier, Moody's international rating agency Moody's decreased the Chinese credit rating outlook last Tuesday.Moody's explanation shows that more evidence shows that the Chinese government must provide more financial support to local and state -owned enterprises, which brings downward risks to China's fiscal and economic conditions.The Chinese Ministry of Finance expressed disappointment and emphasized that the macroeconomic continued recovery this year.

The international rating agency Moody's December 5th China ’s credit rating outlook from“ stability ”to“ negative ”.(Reuters)

According to the information of social platforms, the large financial Vs such as Liu Jipeng were banned and prohibited from paying attention because they violated the rules, but the specific rules were violated. The relevant units did not explain.This highlights the public opinion environment in China, and the economic reviews that have relatively relaxed freedom in the past have also become a sensitive topic.

As for why?Some netizens said straightforwardly that this is largely related to the sluggish China economy. "The economy is so bad. These experts will more or less affect people's confidence in the future."

But shouldn't this confidence come from CPI, PPI, youth unemployment rate and other data that feels the people?From an official perspective, some of the remarks of financial financial V may allow the public to have different interpretations of economic prospects, and even cause social panic, so further control is needed.This is indeed understandable for most people.

However, if many real problems are chosen to deal with it in a shielding or avoiding way, the public to establish stronger confidence in the Chinese economy is not easy.