(London Comprehensive News) In response to the British Foreign Development Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refers to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to sue Li Zhiying, the founder of One Media, which is "suppressing the sound of criticism in the name of national security".The rule of law.

Li Zhiying is suspected of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law and is charged with challenging foreign or overseas forces to harm national security crimes, publish, release, invite offerings, distribute, display or copy the crime of inciting publication.On the day of trial.

According to the British Guardian Sunday (December 10), an interview and report on Li Zhiying's son, Li Chongen, reported that Li Chongen asked to meet with the new British Foreign Minister Cameron, hoping that Cameron would demand Li Zhiying's statement.

The report quoted a response from the British Foreign Ministry spokesman, saying that the case of British citizen Li Zhiying was prioritized for the British government, and has repeatedly mentioned to the Chinese government.call.The report quoted sources that Cameron met with Li Chongen.

The spokesman also pointed out that the Li Zhiying case was highly political, and Li Zhiying and others were sued to suppress criticism in the name of Guoan.

The Chinese Embassy's website published a response from the spokesperson of the embassy on Sunday, saying that the British remarks were upside down and interfered with the rule of law in Hong Kong, and the Chinese side resolutely opposed it.

A spokesman said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in China is a rule of law, and any illegal and criminal acts should be sanctioned by law.No matter what the identity background, no one has no privileges above the law.The Chinese side urged the British to respect the facts, stop intervening in Hong Kong affairs, and stop interfered in the Chinese internal affairs.