(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei region in China has ushered in the first large -scale snowfall this winter. Other places have also encountered strong snowfall and cold waves, transportation and energy supply have been challenged.Wait for measures.

According to the Central Meteorological Observatory and China Weather Network, the central and eastern China has encountered a round of heavy snowfall and cold waves since Sunday (December 10).There are snow to heavy snow in North China and Huanghuai. In some areas, there are even Blizzard or Blizzard. The thickness of snowfall is 3 to 8 cm, and some areas may exceed 10 cm.

Affected by the cold wave, the temperature in the central and eastern regions generally decreased by 8 to 12 degrees Celsius, and the cooling rate of local areas even exceeded 14 degrees. The minimum temperature in North China and Huanghuai may be close to or below the extreme value of the same period.The southern region has also ushered in significant cooling, and it is expected to cool down by 6 to 12 degrees in Jiangnan and parts of South China.Meteorological experts remind that rain and snow and cold tide may have a significant impact on traffic travel, urban operations, and facilities agriculture.

According to CCTV News and other reports, due to snowfall and freezing, as of 7 am on December 11, a total of 134 road sections in China were forced to close.Traffic in some cities such as Henan and Shandong is stopped or late.

The education department of many places in Henan has issued a notice to ensure that teachers and students travel safely, and decide to suspend classes for a while.Jinan, Shandong, turned to online teaching and encouraged enterprises and institutions to implement peak peaks to get off work to reduce flow and traffic pressure.