Another Hong Kong Pan -Democratic person announced the abandonment of the exile -Zhou Ting, the former deputy secretary -general of Hong Kong.

On the 27th birthday of Sunday (December 3), Zhou Ting published two thousand words of posts through Instagram.This is the first time she has published a post on a social platform after she was released from prison more than two years ago.

Zhou Ting wrote that she was diagnosed with anxiety, panic, post -trauma stress and depression, and revealed that she was admitted by a university in Canada this year and had traveled to Toronto in mid -September.

She also said that in the process of applying for a university, she was not only required by the Hong Kong National Security Department to provide disciplines, timetables, dormitories and other information, but also asked to write a "regret book".I regret it, and I won't participate in the future. "

On Sunday (December 3) published two thousand words in Instagram.She wrote in this article that she was diagnosed with anxiety, panic, post -trauma stress and depression.(Zhou Ting Instagram)
On Sunday (December 3), I posted on Instagram that she went to the mainland with five Hong Kong national security personnel in August.(Zhou Ting Instagram)

Zhou Ting said that after multiple levels, the Guoan Department informed her in early July this year that if I think of Canada's enrollment, they must meet a condition: accompanied by the members of the Hong Kong Police Office to mainland China.Her passport is paid back, she only needs to return to Hong Kong during the holidays.

She also wrote that she went to the mainland with five Hong Kong national security personnel in August and revealed that she was arranged to visit the reform and opening up exhibition and Chinese technology giant Tencent headquarters in this trip.

"In the whole trip, although there was no arrangement to see any official party member and did not accept the question of the Ministry of Public Security, I felt that I had been monitored all the time ...Logo) Pickings. "

She further revealed that after returning to Hong Kong, she was asked to write a letter for the police to arrange for her to understand the great development of her motherland."This kind of authored letter, I think I have written several seals in the past few months. Finally, I left Hong Kong in mid -September to study in Toronto, Canada.P>

Zhou Ting also explained the decision to make no longer return to Hong Kong after settlement in Canada.She said that she originally planned to report to the police at the end of December to the police, but after careful consideration, "considering the situation, self -safety, my physiology and psychological health, I decided that I would not go back for a lifetime."

Zhou Ting also mentioned that she bought a ticket to return to Hong Kong in December, and said: "So if someone wants to say that I am dedicated to deceiving Guoan, it is definitely a wrong statement."

After the post announced no return to Hong Kong, Zhou Ting has been interviewed by Canada and Japanese media.She told the Canadian Global Post that there was no regret political action in the past and in an interview with the Broadcasting Corporation of Canada that she would worry about whether the police would break the door to arrest her every morning in the past three years.

According to Bloomberg, Zhou Ting stated to Tokyo TV that she has not considered seeking asylum in Canada or elsewhere.

Zhou Ting's 15 -year -old person's politics

Zhou Ting is one of the most well -known representatives in the pan -democratic faction in Hong Kong.

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation Chinese website, Zhou Ting was in politics in 2012 and appeared in opposition to the national education movement. She was only 15 years old.

Zhou Ting was arrested at home on the evening of August 10, 2020, looking out on the police car.(Agence France -Presse)

In 2014, the "Occupy Central" campaign broke out in Hong Kong, and she was attracted to international media with other academic movements.In 2016, she and Huang Zhifeng, Luo Guancong and others established the Hong Kong Zhi Zhi; the party was dissolved through the eve of the end of June 2020 in the Hong Kong National Security Law.

After the establishment of the Hong Kong Zhi Zhi, Zhou Ting was elected as a member of the Legislative Council in 2018, but was "DISQUALIFIED by English" by the election director, which means disqualified).Before signing up, Zhou Ting gave up the identity of British citizen to meet the qualifications of the election.

In 2019, the anti -repair movement broke out in Hong Kong, and Zhou Ting stood on the front line again.Because she was proficient in Japanese and tried to hold an international press conference in Japan, calling on the then Japanese government to pay attention to the human rights situation of Hong Kong.

The online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Zhou Ting was accused of violating the crime of violating the crime of national security under the crime of collusion with foreign or overseas forces under the suspicion of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law.Three months later, Zhou Ting was sentenced to 10 months in prison for surrounding the case of the Wan Chai police headquarters.

Zhou Ting is called "the goddess of learning movement" or "the goddess of the people" because of its sweet appearance.(Zhou Ting Instagram)

After being released from prison in June 2021, it was arrested by the Hong Kong Police State Security Department in August of the same year. She was approved for bail, but she had to hand over a passport and report to the police regularly.

Due to the sweet appearance, many Pan -civilian supporters call Zhou Ting the "goddess of learning movement" or "the goddess of the people", but mainland Chinese media and some netizens are disgusted with her actively seeking foreign forces to intervene in Hong Kong affairs.Therefore, she regards her as "chaos" and "Hong Kong monarchs".

The Hong Kong Government has a tough attack

For Zhou Ting's high -profile announcement of abandoning the exile, the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, who was born in the police, made a tough statement when answering the media questions on Tuesday (December 5).

According to the news bulletin of the Hong Kong Government, Li Jiachao emphasized that the Hong Kong government will pursue any fugitives that endanger national security, and name Zhou Ting suspected of collusion with foreign or overseas forces, endangering national security, and being arrested by police.Any fugitive will only be surrendered, otherwise it will be a fugitive and a lifelong hunting. "

Li Jiachao also said that the police's good willingness to try to deal with it in exchange for fraud. I believe that the most disappointing person is the person who tries to deal with it.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao on Tuesday (December 5) before attending the media meeting with the media that the Hong Kong government would pursue any fugitives that endanger national security and named Zhou Ting suspected of collusion with foreign or overseas forces., Endanger national security and was arrested by the police.(China News Agency)