China Chain Tea Brand Happy Tea launched in China in ChinaThe new product "Buddha Xixi" tea is interviewed for suspected violation of religious affairs management regulations. At present, this product has been removed.

Comprehensive Surging News and Zhongxin Jingwei reports, the joint tea latte and peripheral packaging of Xicha and Jingdezhen China Ceramics Museum will be launched on November 28.

According to the Chinese Internet media 36 氪, this joint support for the launch of three specially designed cups and refrigerators is based on speechless bodhisattva, happy Luohan and Fuhu Luohan.

However, the regulations of Chinese religious affairs stipulate that business propaganda is prohibited in the name of religious.

The staff of the Shenzhen Municipal Ethnic Religious Affairs Bureau said on Monday (December 4) that the bureau talked about Xisha Company on Friday (1st). The company did it on Sunday (3rd).After getting off the shelves, at the same time, check the relevant situation.

The staff said that after the people's sectors and market supervision and other departments, they will discuss research.And their company also cooperates, and the attitude of admitting mistakes is very good. On Friday night, a rectification report was issued. It was all removed on December 3. "

The topic of Weibo "Hi Tea is suspected of being interviewed by the Regulations on the Management of Religious Affairs" rushed to the hot search on Monday morning.Some netizens left a message saying that "can not believe but cannot be respected", "obey the law", and some netizens teased "drinking out of print" "Is the joint name authorized by the Buddha?""The small program has no" Buddha "tea latte products, and the relevant content of this product cannot be found on the official Weibo of Xizhai.