The stock price comprehensive index of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (referred to as the Shanghai Composite Index, the Shanghai Stock Index, or the Shanghai Index), the closing of the market on Tuesday (December 5) fell below 3,000 points.This is the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index that has lost 3000 points again since October 20th has fallen below 3,000 points.

Comprehensive Financial and Securities Times reported that the three major A -share indexes opened low on Tuesday. As of 3 pm, the Shanghai Index fell 1.67%to 2972.3 points;At 9470.36 points, the GEM refers to the fall of 1.98%at 1871.1 points.Only the North Stock 50 Index closed up the market 7.28%.The two cities fell more than 4,600 stocks.

On the disk, semiconductors, military, oil, coal, and insurance sectors have fallen first, and steel, wine, color, real estate, banking, brokerage and other sectors have declined;The concept of medicine and lithium ore is active.