China releases a trial guide for the transportation safety service of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles engaged in urban public car passenger transportation shall be equipped with a driver or safety officer.

According to the trial guide published by the Ministry of Transportation's official website on Tuesday (December 5), autonomous driving cars engaged in urban public auto tram passenger transport and road passenger transportation operations shall be equipped with a driver or a driver or a driver orOperate the safety guarantee personnel (security officer).

The use of autonomous driving cars to engage in urban public car passenger transportation, taxi passenger transport, road passenger transportation, and road cargo transportation operators (autonomous driving transport operators) shall handle market subject registration in accordance with the law.

In addition, taxi passenger transport (online car rental) and road passenger transportation should also insure the carrier liability insurance in accordance with the law.

In many places in China, in recent years, it has accelerated the commercialization of autonomous driving, and strongly supports the development of the autonomous driving industry in terms of policies.

The economic reference newspaper of Xinhua News Agency has quoted Zhao Jingwu, an associate professor of the Law School of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in July that there are three core issues of autonomous driving supervision, namely security issues, infringement liability identification and data security.