Shenzhen releases new education measures, stipulating that the school in primary school primary school compulsory education will be set up every day during primary school compulsory education.

According to Shenzhen News Network (December 5), the Shenzhen Education Bureau issued the implementation opinions of Shenzhen to strengthen and improve school sports work to strengthen and improve Shenzhen school sports work, promote Shenzhen education highQuality development.

The implementation opinions have proposed a series of measures to comprehensively strengthen and improve the sports work of Shenzhen schools. Among them, the schools of compulsory education will offer a sports class every day.Elementary schools are not less than 30 minutes of sports activities every day. The implementation opinions will be implemented from January 1, 2024, and the validity period is five years.

The implementation opinions also said that the design of sports family operations should be strengthened and family members are encouraged to formulate students' post -school and holiday physical exercise programs.Make sure students exercise each day per day for one hour.

In terms of examinations, the implementation opinions proposed that sports subjects should be incorporated into the scope of junior and high school academic levels.Improve the content, methods and scoring methods of sports testing in the middle school entrance examination, promote the implementation of "process evaluation + unified on -site examination" sports secondary entrance examination mode, and gradually improve the weight of sports scores in the middle school entrance examination.