The Japanese Ambassador to China Dragloin did not be able to release the release of the Japanese government's detained by the Chinese government within his tenure.

According to the Kyodo News Agency of Japan, the above (December 4) was made at the press conference on Monday (December 4).He will end the three -year term on Wednesday (6th).

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Dangxiufu apologized to the release of the above executives during the press conference, and said that Tokyo will continue to work hard to make the executive release as soon as possible.

The male executive was about 50 years old and was officially arrested for suspected espionage in October this year.He was a senior official of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China and was arrested before returning to Japan.When Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, while meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in San Francisco last month, he repeatedly called on Beijing to release the Japanese citizen.

For Tokyo Electric Power BlessingThe island's first nuclear power plant to deal with water discharge into the sea and make Japan -China relations deteriorate. The Haofu called on experts and relevant officials to discuss and find a solution as soon as possible.

After Japan ’s Fukushima nuclear treatment of water, China’ s full ban has been banned from losing China from Japan.During the San Francisco meeting, Kishida Wenxiong and Xi Jinping agreed to negotiate with experts on the matter.

Dangxiufu emphasized that Tokyo and Beijing maintain the importance of communication at different levels to ensure the stable relationship between the two countries.He said that Japan and China are "permanent neighbors, and we cannot alienate between us." "There are differences and frictions in each other./P>

Dangxiufu said that when there is differences and friction, solid bilateral communication is more important.

The 62 -year -old Duoxiu Fu will return to Japan this week. His successor Jin Shanxian (64 years old) will perform his duties in the middle of the month.Kim Shanxianzhi is the first Japanese ambassador to China in China that has not come from the Chinese seminar from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in about seven years.