美国信贷评级机构穆迪星期二(12月5On the day of) announced that China's rating outlook is negative.The Chinese Ministry of Finance responded that she was disappointed.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters report, Moody's announcement said in the announcement that the rating outlook has shown more and more evidence that the government and the public sector will need to provide more financial support for local and state -owned enterprises.This brings downside risks to China's fiscal and economic conditions.

Moody's also confirmed that China's rating was A1, and stated that it is expected that China's annual growth rate of GDP in 2024 and 2025 will reach 4.0%.

Moody's claim that the rating prospects also reflect the increase in related risks of the integrated economic growth with structural and continuous mid -term economic growth and the continuous reduction of scale in the real estate industry.

Moody's rating of China's debt rated from AA3 in 2017 to A1, and at the same time adjusted the rating outlook from negatively to stable.S & P global rating and Fitch confirmed that China's long -term debt rating was A+this year, and the outlook was stable.

It is reported that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China approved the addition of 100 trillion yuan in Treasury bonds in the fourth quarter at the end of October (RMB, the same below, about 188.9 billion yuan).The left and right, including UBS, CICC and open source securities, predict that the fiscal deficit next year may be set at 3.5%or more.

Earlier, China rarely broke the 3%deficit rate constraint. In 2020, it increased the deficit rate to more than 3.6%due to the epidemic.Incorporate deficit management.

The decision to make Moody's Outlook for Moody's Sovereign Credit Rating, and the Chinese Ministry of Finance responded on the same day that "I feel disappointed."

The Ministry of Finance of China said that China's macroeconomic has continued to recover, and it is expected that the economy will retreat in the fourth quarter.

The Ministry of Finance of China also pointed out that the scale of local hidden debt has gradually declined, and risks have been slowed down. In addition, the downward settlement of the real estate market has a controllable impact on local public budget and government fund budget.