Civil servants have continued to pay attention to the incident of blood donation of women in a car accident.

After a serious injury of a Ms. Yu in Shanghai, Ms. Yu in the Ali region in Tibet, the local civil servants' mobilization contributed blood to her, but caused the public to question whether it was too "privileges" to call public resources.

In mid -October, Ms. Yu was coma in a car accident in the Ali area of ​​Tibet, and she needed a lot of blood transfusion.Ms. Yu publicly stated on the social platform that her husband, Mr. Tao, contacted the Shanghai Health and Health Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Shanghai Health and Health Commission") through the "little aunt"), and then contacted the relevant departments of the Ali area by the Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission.As a result, all civil servants in the Ali region donated blood to them.

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Mr. Tao said in response to the media that his aunt was not a public official in Shanghai.Only after his wife's car accident, the relevant local departments suggested to ask the Shanghai Health Commission for help. Their family and friends, including their aunt, went to find a way to contact the Shanghai Health Commission.Blood donation is organized by Ali local hospitals and Health and Health Commission, not their personal behavior."The aunt is someone who will come out to help me as soon as possible, so when I sent a message, I thought of the little aunt for the first time. As for who can contact the Shanghai Health Commission, we don't know ourselves."

According to the reporter from the Beijing News, it was learned from the relevant departments of Shanghai. After investigation, at the time of the incident, the health department received a letter from the relevant departments and requested that the aid doctors in Shigatse, Tibet went to the hospital involved to participate in the treatment.There is no action caused by improper factors such as private relationships.

The "coordination" of the health department has caused greater questioning of the public: Is such coordination inclusive?Can ordinary Shanghai citizens get the same treatment?If it is a normal rescue channel, are there any open and transparent help and application procedures?

On the morning of December 1st, the Dahe Daily · Yu Video saw that the reporter asked the Shanghai Health Commission as an urgent need for a family member of a different place:

An ordinary Shanghai -people people need emergency medical assistance in other provinces and cities. Can the Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission help coordinate local emergency blood donation?

The staff told reporters that using blood in different places need to take normal channels, ask for help in local hospitals, and apply in the local area.

"I don't know what policy is in the province. If you use blood in Shanghai, apply and ask for help. Generally, which hospital is in the hospital, it is coordinated by the hospital. There is a local blood management office to coordinate the blood on the local area."

The reporter asked, did Ms. Yu, a Ms. Yu in Tibet, who was coordinated by the Shanghai Health and Health Commission, had such rescue channels before?The staff said that if he is unclear, he will record the needs, and someone will contact reporters within 1 to 15 working days.As of press time, no one has contacted reporters.

Source: Dahe Daily · Yu Yu Video Editor: Liu Huijie