The latest wealth new PMI data shows that Made in China in November China MadeThe industry PMI rose to 50.7, the highest in the past three months.

According to, the November Caixin China Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) index was recorded on Friday (December 1), an increase of 1.2 percentage points from October, and returned to the expansion.The interval is a high point in the past three months.

This trend is different from the PMI of the Manufacturing Industry of the National Bureau of Statistics.According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday (November 30), the PMI of manufacturing in November was 49.4, a decrease of 0.1 points from the previous month, and it was still in the contraction range.

Caixin data shows that from the perspective of the sub -item index, the manufacturing production in November rose from a decline to the rise, and the demand has accelerated.Four consecutive months are located in the expansion range and recorded a new high since July.The external demand continues to weaken, and the new export order index is lower than the glory line for the fifth consecutive month.

In order to cooperate with the increase in production, the manufacturer's procurement activity resumed and expanded in November. What is more consistent with the market supply and demand is that the purchase volume of consumer goods and middle product manufacturers has increased significantly compared with investment products.Raw material inventory has decreased, and some enterprise inventory management attitude is more cautious.At the same time, the supply time index of the supplier in November is the eighth time in the past 10 months higher than the Rongku line. The logistics is relatively unobstructed and the transportation efficiency is improved.

Caixin said that despite the restoration of market prosperity, manufacturing companies are still cautious in terms of employees' use. The employment index in November has been in the contraction range for the eighth time in the past nine months, but consumer goods enterprise employment has employed workers.Increase.At the same time, the decline in employment in market demand has led to the increase in backlog work. The backlog work index is higher than the Rongku line for the sixth consecutive month.

Wang Yan, a senior economist of Caixin Think Tank, said that the current macroeconomic has risen better, residents' consumption has steadily improved, industrial production has solidly advanced, and market expectations have also improved.However, affected by various unfavorable factors, the internal and external demand is still insufficient, employment pressure is still large, and the foundation of economic recovery needs to be further consolidated.