Kissinger is convinced that the United States is responsible for maintaining global peace and stability, and in 1972, he participated in the reconciliation of US President Nixon and China.New Prime Minister Li Xianlong believes that this move has changed the world order, bringing long -term stable Sino -US relations, steady growth of global economy, and deepening of globalization.

New Prime Minister Li Xianlong on Thursday (November 30) on Facebook in the evening, expressed deep sadness on the death of former US Secretary of State Kissinger, and praised him as an unparalleled diplomat and real.Politicians, have vision.

Li Xianlong pointed out that Kissinger has successfully exited the United States in an orderly manner in an orderly manner. Although the relevant strategy has been sharply criticized, it has won precious time for non -communist countries in Southeast Asia to build political, economic and military forces.And the establishment of regional organizations to better deal with security threats.

Kissinger personally goes to Singapore to attend Lee Kuan Yew National Funeral

"I benefited from Dr. Kissinger's suggestion, wisdom, and his curiosity about the world. He came to Singapore to participate in my father's national funeral ceremony in 2015, and later published at the private memorial service in New York.I was deeply moved by touching mourning.

He said that at this sad moment, he wanted to extend the deepest condolences to Kissinger's family.

Kissinger and the founding Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, met in November 1967 at Littauer Center, Harvard University, Littauer Center, now Kennedy Government College). The two have close exchanges for nearly half a century.

Li Guangyao's death, the 92 -year -old age -old Singh made a special trip to Singapore to hang up, and published on the Washington Post to the world that he would miss Li Guangyao's article, pointing out that Lee Kuan Yew is a great man and his good friend.One of the biggest blessings.

The last book published by Kissinger was the leadership of last year: six studies in the world strategy.In the book, he listed Lee Kuan Yew as one of the six "outstanding times leaders" and recalled that Li Guangyao did not talk to Harvard when he participated in the seminar, and directly asked the professors' views on the Vietnam War, and refuted some people in a single knife.View.

He also mentioned that after Mrs. Li Guangyao's death in October 2010, Li Guangyao called him several times and talked about the pain of the widow.

Victoria: Kissinger always pays attention to macro -strategy providing practical suggestions at any time and clear assessment

Dr. Vivian, Singapore Foreign Minister, met in Tongji Singh, New York, USA two months ago.He said on Facebook: "The world has lost its excellent politicians in this era, and Singapore has also lost a close friend and firm supporter."

Vivian mentioned that Kissinger remained at the end of life and kept a widespread connection between the same circles, affecting the thinkers and policy makers, and even kept brain and infinite curiosity even in the age of 100 years old.With the latest technological development and global affairs.

Weiwen also said that he was very honored to have repeatedly dialogues with Kissinger over the years, because Kissinger always paid attention to the macro strategy and was ready to provide practical suggestions and clear suggestions for the geopolitical environment of rapid changes at any time.evaluation of."(Kissinger) also believes that it is possible to build a world order that builds a peaceful coexistence and all countries that can develop and prosper in all countries, because another road is a disaster."

Singapore former foreign minister Yang Rongwen said on Facebook that Kissinger is an excellent thinker and talented diplomat."This world has lost a great politician and geographical strategist."