China was intensive to speak on the day of the Harbin Restant Agreement. The Chinese official urged the United Nations Security Council to take responsibility and promote the suspension of fire;The country plays a positive role.

The analysis of the scholars interviewed, China and the United States were further opened with the differences in the position of the Harbin problem.

Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (November 30) in the morning released the congratulations from the Chinese official "Solidarity of the Palestinian People's International Day" commemorative conference, and Wang Yi met with reporters after a high -level meeting at the Security Council, and published to the media.Press release.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a position document on the conflict of Palestine.

Chinese officials pointed out in Congratulations that the Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East issue. The conflict with Harbin is that the Palestinian people have been delayed to achieve legal national rights of independent founding.

He called on the international community to act urgently.

Chinese officials also urged all parties to "adhere to the right direction of peace talks and hold more authoritative international peace conferences as soon as possible."

China has long supported Palestine on the issue of Harbin, and there are differences with the US positions that support Israel.

Wang Yi reminded that the conflict should be prevented from spilling towards the entire Middle East, and rarely urged the "country that affects the parties" to play an active role.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated five suggestions in the position documents, including comprehensive ceasefire and stop war, effectively protecting civilians, ensuring humanitarian rescue, increasing diplomatic mediation, and seeking political solutions.Among them, the "country that affects the parties" adheres to an objective and fair position and plays a constructive role in promoting the cooling down of crisis.

This is a position document on the regional conflict after the Chinese war in Russia and Ukraine.Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that China is seeking to promote the opinions of China on major international confrontation and conflict issues, provide Chinese voices, and promote China's solution to the problem.

Chinese senior officials have not condemned Hamas in congratulatory and speeches, and have spoken strongly on the promotion of the two countries' plans.Zhu Feng pointed out that China ’s position on the issue of Harbin is further opening up with the United States and Europe.

Luo Minghui, assistant professor of public policies and global affairs courses in Nanyang University of Science and Technology, pointed out in an interview that China does not seek to be involved in the conflict like the United States, but it does not want to exact the United States to exert its influence to shape the Middle East; China emphasizes the emphasis on the Middle East; China emphasizes that emphasizedHolding more authoritative international conferences, partly because of seeking a seat on the negotiating table, at least it can sound sound to safeguard its own interests in the Middle East.