Li Song, the Chinese Permanent Permanent in Vienna and other international organizations, said that unilateral compulsory measures constitute a serious obstacle to global governance and international development cooperation, which is a stumbling block for the development of economic and social development in the country.

Comprehensive China News Agency and Xinhua News Agency reported that at the 20th Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in Vienna on Thursday (November 30)The mandatory measures issued a joint statement, criticizing the negative impact of unilateral compulsory measures on achieving the UN 2030 sustainable development goals and promoting the process of tolerance and sustainable industrialization.

Statement pointed out that unilateral compulsory measures seriously violate the UN Charter and International Law, hinder the rights of the country's full development, and exacerbate the global crisis such as food and energy;Seriously affect the efforts to promote tolerance and sustainable industrialization.

Statement urges countries not to promulgate the implementation of unilateral economic, finance and trade measures; call on the Director of the Industrial Faing Organization to maintain the unity of the organization and its member states and reduce the negative impact of unilateral compulsory measures.

During the conference, Li Song pointed out at the theme of "Unilateral Mandatory Measures and its negative impact on international economic and social development" that unilateral compulsory measures are the enemies of multilateralism and developing countries.The endless hegemonicism, unilateralism, and power politics seriously hindered the economic and social development of the victimized country, and infringed on the human rights of the people's people including the rights of life, development, health, and cultural rights.

Li Song emphasized that unilateral compulsory measures constitute a serious obstacle to global governance and international development cooperation. It is a block tiger and stumbling block that has a better development of the country's economy and society and the improvement of people's living standards.

Li Song said that unilateral compulsory measures are not only a problem facing victimized countries, but also related to the multilateral platform, international environment and future prospects of international development cooperation.Eliminate the impact of unilateral compulsory measures on sustainable development and international cooperation.China is willing to strengthen communication with all parties, continue to discuss, jointly safeguard the right to develop rights in southern countries around the world, and actively promote international development cooperation.

It is reported that Russia, Iran, Venezuela and other countries combined their own sanctions by the United States, and accused the West of the United States "weaponization", which caused serious harm to the people of the victims.