After the death of former US Secretary of State Kissinger, Chinese officials, Prime Minister Li Qiang and Foreign Minister Wang Yi have caused Electricity to mourn the departure of "old friends", and highly evaluated Kissinger's contribution to Sino -US relations, showing that high -level Chinese high -level Chinese high -level levelsKissinger's death is regarded as a major event in Sino -US relations.

Chinese folk's death marks the signs of Kissinger's signs."The end of a era" and remembering the contribution of the development of Sino -US relations.

Kissinger died at the age of 100 on Wednesday (November 29) at the home of Connecticut on Wednesday (November 29). Chinese official to the US President Biden, represent the Chinese government.And the people, and expressed deep condolences to Kissinger's death in his personal name, and expressed sincere condolences to his family.

Chinese officials are "the old friends and good friends of the Chinese people" in the puppet electricity, and highly evaluated Kissinger "with excellent strategic vision and made historic contributions to the normalization of Sino -US relations, which benefited both benefits.The two countries have also changed the world.

Chinese officials say that Kissinger's name will "always associate with Sino -US relations"; China is willing to inherit the Sino -American people's friendly cause, and promote the healthy and stable development of Sino -US relations.

Li Qiang and Wang Yi , respectivelyTo the US Secretary of State Brillin to the Electricity.

in social media XA>(Previously Twitter) Posted that Kissinger's death was "a huge loss for our country and the world." He will always live in the hearts of the Chinese people as "the most precious old friend".

Chinese official media and self -media on Thursday have posted awhere in remembering Kiki Singh.China News Network described in a report that Kissinger is "a historian who has come all the way to Sino -US relations."Followed away. "

In July 1971, Kissinger secretly visited China as a assistant to the US President's National Security Affairs, prompting the then President Nixon to carry out the "ice break" to China the following year.Normalization of country relations.

Since 1971, Kissinger has visited China for more than a hundred times and has been the largest number of American politicians visiting China.As Sino -US relations fell into the bottom of the valley, Kissinger, who was 100 -year -old, visited China again in July this year, and claimed to be "coming as a friend of China."

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Kissingh was "a very important participant in Sino -US relations" and "Promotion of Sino -US relations cooperation" and "in recent years"To enhance the advocates of Sino -US relations and strategic stability. "

Zhu Feng said that Kissinger is the only diplomat and scholar who has had direct communication and dialogue with all Chinese leaders in the United States.Deep.

Zhu Feng pointed out that Kissinger has faded out of the American politics in the past 20 years and no longer serves as the role of the speaker in Sino -US relations, but he is still an important voice in Sino -US relations.Sexual character.

The news of Kissinger's death came out, many Chinese netizens left a message on social media to mourn, and the entry of "Kissinger's death" once rushed to the top of the Weibo hot search list.Some netizens wrote that the exchanges between Kissinger and the senior management of China "began in ice breaking, and died of ice break"; until a few years before his death, he still "did his best for his hardships of Sino -US relations."