Banyue talks about reporters who recently saw the phenomenon of "poor finance and rich people" when investigating in county A in Wumeng Mountain -the number of fiscal providers continued to expand, bringing a heavy burden on county -level finance.

Temporary workers exceeded in -service staff

The relevant person in charge of the County Finance Bureau provided to a half -monthly discussion of a reporter in 2023 The county's salary expenditure budget table showed that the county's total salary budget expenditure was 2.63 billion yuan, of which 2 billion yuan was left away from the inaugural personnel, and it was left to leave.Retired personnel were 170 million yuan and 460 million yuan was appointed.

The total salary budget of the people is less than a quarter of the total salary budget of the employee, but the number is 1.8 times the latter.The county's annual revenue per capita revenue is about 16,100 yuan, and the total number of personnel is about 28806; the per capita annual income of employees is about 128,300 yuan, and the total number of personnel is about 15,580.

The relevant person in charge of the County Finance Bureau of the County said that there are two main types of employment in temporary workers: one is employed by higher -level governments issuing policy basis, such as ecological forest guards, co -police, village cadres, etc.; the other is the countyGovernment departments are hired according to actual work, such as drivers, chefs, typists, etc.

Some people in fact have actually become long -term employees.Wang, the county party committee, has been responsible for the work of Wenyin. He has worked here for 23 years.Now he pays 2,500 yuan per month. At the end of the year, he can get a performance bonus of 6,000 yuan for qualified assessment.

In several districts and counties in counties A, the number of employees is 1.7 times that of the number of employees.Among the increased fiscal supporters, the number of employees is the fastest and the largest number of growth rates.

Heavy fiscal burden

In 2022, the general public budget revenue in the county A was 702 million yuan, an increase of 0.85%over the previous year, of which tax revenue was 414 million yuan, and the subsidy revenue of superiority was 4.23 billion yuan in the same year.

Compared with the county's total salary budget expenditure, it is not difficult to find that the general public budget income of counties A cannot cover the salary expenses of fiscal providers, and the total salary expenditure of the employees exceeds the county's total tax revenue."In the previous year, the salary of the employees of the people in the previous year was nearly 500 million yuan, of which only 80 million yuan was supported by special funds at or above the county level. The rest were borne by the county level.Come to pay.

In some districts and counties in Wumengshan District, in accordance with the requirements of the grassroots "wages, operation, and livelihood", the salary expenses of employees must be included in the county -level fiscal salary budget.However, the reporter's investigation found that in addition to the county -level salary budget, there are still many wages of many employees who lack the employment of employment in the office funds of government departments at the grassroots level.

Taking a township of county A as an example, the township government has a total of 14 people in the hiring personnel, and their employment positions and salary are as follows: 2 staff members of the government canteen, with a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan;月工资2000元;管水员2名,人均月工资2000元;驾驶员1名,月工资3800元;垃圾车驾驶员1名,月工资6000元;村级督导协管员3名,人均月The salary is 1310 yuan; 3 cleaners, a per capita monthly salary of 700 yuan."Each year, the salary expenses of the employees are about 450,000 yuan, and the public funding of the whole township accounts for 55%of the total public funding." Said the person in charge of the township finance office.

Pass the entrance of the hired employees

Experts point out that the reason why the group of employees continues to grow is some of the government policies requirements at all levels.

The reporter's investigation and disclosure found that most of the recruitment and management of the employees are not responsible for the unified department.The department approves or filed, the recruitment procedure is relatively casual, there is a phenomenon of disorderly growth, unavailable quality, and difficult to eliminate human emotional hire and relationship employment.

Some grassroots cadres of the county have suggested that the county -level human -social and social departments are clarified as the county's appointment personnel management department, and the number of employees is found. With reference to the management model of the personnel of the public institution, combined with the actual situation of the local area, formulate a standardized management system, regulate the specificationsPersonnel qualifications, entry and exit process, treatment guarantee, etc.

Strictly implement the fees and reducing the county -level financial burden.In -depth promotion of the reform of the fiscal system below the province, the governance mechanism that matches the foundation of the foundation of the foundation and the right to affairs, and reduce the requirements for the supporting of grass -roots funds generated in the recruitment of employees.

The county chief of the county said: "The superior government either does not introduce policies. If the policy is issued, it is necessary to prepare enough funds according to the power of affairs to clarify the source of funds.

Encourage grassroots multi -square -formats to solve the needs of employment and prevent fiscal contributions.Zhang Ke, an associate researcher at the Guizhou Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, suggested that multiple methods such as labor dispatch and government purchasing services can be used to solve the actual needs of grass -roots work at the grassroots level, and some departments will prevent the majority of departments from incorporating the problem of "entering or not."