It is rumored that a Shanghai woman needs a lot of blood transfusion in the Ali area of ​​Tibet due to a car accident. The husband contacted the Shanghai Municipal Health Committee through the Shanghai Municipal Health Committee, and finally used all civil servants to donate blood to him, causing public opinion.After the Shanghai official on Wednesday (November 29), there was no action due to unreasonable factors such as private relationships.Review.

Screenshots of the Internet Chat Record show that the woman husband, Mr. Tao involved in the incident, sent a message saying, "My little aunt contacted the Shanghai Health Commission, and the Health and Health Committee contacted the Ali department to use all Ali's official duties.After the person's blood donation, the news opened, attracted attention on the Internet, and the relevant entries rushed to Weibo on Weibo on Wednesday.

According to the cover news report, the staff of the Party Committee of the Ali area and the staff of the Health and Health Commission of the Ali District stated on Wednesday afternoon that the blood donation has been reviewed.As of press time, the results of the review have not been notified.

Mr. Tao traveled with his wife in Tibet on October 14th, and a altitude reaction occurred at more than 5,000 meters above sea level. After hypoxia, it was fainted.The abdominal hemorrhage, the situation is critical, and was taken to the People's Hospital of Ali.

Mr. Tao emphasized in an interview on Wednesday that after his wife's car accident, the relevant local departments suggested to ask the Shanghai Health Commission for help. Their family and friends, including their aunt, went to find a way to contact the Shanghai Health Commission.Blood donation is organized by Ali local hospitals and Health and Health Commission, not their personal behavior.

For the "blood donation of civil servants across the region", Mr. Tao responded that the staff of the hospital sent a message in the circle of friends and the group, hoping that there were good people to donate blood.I also contacted the local police stations, fire protection and other departments, hoping to get their help. From October 15th to 17th, someone went to the blood station to donate blood.

The relevant departments of Shanghai said on Wednesday that at the time of the incident, the Wealth Department took the letter to the relevant departments and requested that the aid doctors in Shigatse City, Tibet went to the hospital involved to participate in the treatment.There is no action caused by improper factors such as private relationships.