Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday (November 29) emphasized that the international community must act urgently.

According to China CCTV news report, the United Nations held the "Solidarity of Palestinian People's International Day" commemorative conference on the same day. Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to the conference, emphasizing that the Palestinian issue was the core of the Middle East issue, which was related to international fairness and justice.Conflict is that the people of the Palestinian people have been delayed to achieve the legal national rights of independent founding.

Xi Jinping said that the painful lesson of Palestine's conflict cycle fully shows that only by adhering to the concept of common safety can we achieve sustainable and safe.The international community must act urgently, and the UN Security Council should take responsibility to promote the suspension of fire and stop war, protect civilian safety, and prevent humanitarian disasters.On this basis, restart the peace talks as soon as possible, and realize the foundation of the Palestinian people's national power, the right to survive, and regain power as soon as possible.

He emphasized that China has always firmly supported the justice cause of the Palestinian people to restore national legitimate rights.The fundamental way to solve the Palestinian issue is to establish an independent Palestinian country based on the border of 1967 and east of Jerusalem as the capital and enjoying complete sovereignty.Palestinian economic demand should be guaranteed, and the international community should increase the development assistance and humanitarian assistance to Palestine's development.

Xi Jinping also said that China proposed a global security initiative, advocating to solve the differences and disputes between the country through dialogue and negotiation, and support all efforts that are conducive to peaceful resolution of crisis.China will continue to host fairness and justice on the Palestinian issue, actively persuade and promote talks, as always providing humanity and development to Palestine."As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China will continue to work with the international community, consolidate international promotion and consensus, and promote the correct track of Palestinian issues to return to the 'two countries' programs', and get comprehensive, fair, and long -lasting solutions as soon as possible."

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China released China's position document on solving Pakistani conflict on Thursday (30th), calling on to increase diplomatic mediation and seek political solutions.Hold a larger, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference, and formulate specific timetables and roadmaps for the implementation of the two countries.

The member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi stressed to the media after a high -level meeting at the Palestinian Pakistani issue on the 29th that the international community expects the Security Council to take responsibility, take strong action, and say that ChinaWelcome to reach a temporary humanitarian ceasefire agreement last week, but peace cannot be restricted, and the ceasefire cannot have a deadline.