Public opinion on the Internet that "can be settled by a friend to settle in the Chinese Internet" responded in many places in China. Some of them confirmed that cities that could be settled in friends including Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Haikou.

Network videos stated that as long as they meet certain conditions, they can achieve "settle in friends" in cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Haikou.Subsequently, the related topic of "can actually have a hukou book with friends" appeared on Weibo hot search on Wednesday (November 29).

Comprehensive Weight News and Daily Economic News reported on Wednesday that the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau replied to the netizen on November 16th on the "Shenzhen Government Online": "Investing in people belongsWith the presence of the homeowner, their adult children, spouses, and parents can move into the family.The property real estate certificate is unmarried and there is no house in Hangzhou. In the case of meeting the settlement of Hangzhou, friends from other places can settle with friends after the home owner of the local friend's house.

The staff of the Longhua Branch of Haikou City Public Security Bureau said that if the conditions for two people meet the conditions for settling Haikou and buy a real estate together in Haikou, then both can be settled in the same hukou registered accountOn it, only one person can be a household.

However, the Shanghai Mayor Hotline 12345 and the public security household registration department responded that there is no policy of so -called foreign friends' relationships that can be introduced to the local government. The relationship is limited to children or husbands and wives.