This year is the father of Xi Jinping's father of the Communist Party of China, the CCP Revolutionary Yuan XunAt the 110th anniversary of Xi Zhongxun's birthday, China Central Television recently aired the documentary documentary sincerely, and reviewed Xi Zhongxun's life in detail.The 97 -year -old Mother Xi Jinping's mother and Mrs. Xi Zhongxun showed up and interviewed, reviewing Xi Zhongxun's past.There are also many photos of Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan couples with their parents.

A total of six episodes of the documentary in Qicheng, namely "Belief Eternal", "Mass Leaders", "Direction of Direction", "Dan Xin No Regret", "For the World", "Chi Zi Shen Shen", eachThe collection is about 40 minutes.This is also after Xi Zhongxun, after the centennial documentary in commemorative birthday in 2013, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China once again organized a documentary about Xi Zhongxun.

In the last episode of "Chizi Love", the documentary mentioned Xi Zhongxun's old age and family life, and broadcast a photo of his wife, his son Xi Jinping, and daughter -in -law Peng Liyuan.

The film mentioned in the film on October 15, 2001 is Xi Zhongxun's 88th birthday. The three generations of Xi family and relatives and friends came to wish him a long time, but Xi Jinping, then the governor of Fujian Province, was absent because of busy official affairs.EssenceSo he wrote a worship letter to his father.

The letter wrote: "You are the son of a peasant, you love the Chinese people, love the revolutionary comrades, love the elderly, wife, and children in your hometown. You use your own love to affect the people around you.""You are like an old ox, and you work silently for the Chinese people. This also inspires me to invest in my life's life into a career for the people and reward me.After the letter, I understood my son very well, and said to relatives and friends, "Serving the people is the greatest filial piety to parents."

Xi Jinping still sighed in the letter, "We have been under the education of our father since we were young.Develop the habit of being diligent and frugal. "

Interviewed, recalling Xi Zhongxun's past.(Screenshot of CCTV Video)

Documentary also mentioned that Xi Zhongxun asked his family to be frugal and frugal, not to do special, do not play with rights, and not to enjoy.In the interview in the film, Qi Xin said, "He (Xi Zhongxun) said: 'I am not only a good father, but also a good husband. There are requirements for the children.I hate, another one, compared to the position of the position, which is the tail.A family of ordinary peasant families born in Dancun, Fuping County, Shaanxi Province.In the spring of 1926, Xi Zhongxun was admitted to the high and small parts of Licheng Public School with excellent results.Soon after entering the school, he joined Li Cheng Youth Club, who was the main body of progressive students, read many books and periodicals of propaganda and progressive ideas, accepted the enlightenment of progressive ideas, and created his original intention to devote himself to the revolutionary cause.

Xi Zhongxun is one of the main founders and leaders of the CCP Shaanxi -Gansu Border Area. During his lifetime, he served as Deputy State Council, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, and deputy chairman of the National People's Congress.Xi Zhongxun also served as the first secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee after the reform and opening up, and was commissioned by Deng Xiaoping, the chief designer of China Reform and Opening up to create a special economic zone in Shenzhen and other places. He also lived in Guangdong in his later years.