The growth rate of China's Internet enterprises generally slows down, and e -commerce giants have grown against the trend and have a high growth rate of innovation.

Pinduoduo Tuesday (November 28) released a financial report that the revenue in the third quarter of this year was 68.84 billion yuan (about S $ 12.93 billion), an increase of 93.9%year -on -year, far exceeding the expectations of the outside world.

Pinduoduo was established in 2015. It quickly opened the Chinese sinking market with a low -cost strategy and social networking site "cut a knife". It was listed in the United States for three years.In September last year, Pinduoduo launched the overseas e -commerce platform TEMU. In the inflation, the United States, with a low price strategy, has been on the top of the Apple App Store for the first time.

Analysis believes that although Pinduoduo has not announced the TEMU performance alone, the company's retrograde growth is inseparable from TEMU.According to Bloomberg, TEMU should be the first time in the United States in May this year surpassing competitors and an e -commerce company with a Chinese background. The TEMU sales are about 20%higher than that of Xiyin.

TEMU has entered 40 countries, including the Philippines and Malaysia.Data show that the download volume of TEMU in the second quarter of this year reached 74 million, ranking ninth in the world.

Wu Yunlong, the founder of Zero -1 Investment Investment, who has invested in the company, told Lianhe Zaobao that the growth of Pinduoduo and TEMU proved the low -cost strategy and the experience of Chinese e -commerce marketing, which is suitable for the US market.He said that, like Greek, TEMU can guarantee low prices and profits because the application of China's supply chain to the extreme.

Nikkei News and the US Data.AI report stated that in October, the number of users of Hipyin and TEMU increased to about 110 million people, approaching 90 % of the largest platform in Amazon.

Merchants also have a trend of transfer.A founder of a foreign trade company in Ningbo said in an interview that he and some colleagues had transferred from Amazon to TEMU platform.In 2021, Amazon blocked 3,000 Chinese sellers accounts on the grounds of illegal abuse of comments, still making him feel worried.

Jack Ma Inner Network Rarely: Ali will change the change

Thanks to the strong expectations of growth, the stock price of Pinduoduo rose more than 18%on Tuesday, and the latest market value was US $ 18.47 billion (S $ 249.59 billion), which was straightforward to Alibaba's $ 195.4 billion.In this regard, some Ali employees posted on the Internet that "it was startled", "the inconspicuous chopping knife, and it became the eldest brother", which caused discussion.

The founder of Alibaba, Ma Yun, rarely replied as a "partner Ma Yun": Please refer to suggestions and ideas, Ali people will listen to it."I believe that Ali will change, and Ali will change. All great companies are born in winter. The AI ​​e -commerce era has just begun, and it is a chance to anyone and a challenge."Ma Yun also congratulated Pinduoduo.

Comparing with a lot of competition, Alibaba failed to achieve outstanding results overseas, which is a big pain.