A online woman in Shanghai requires a lot of blood transfusion in the Ali area of ​​Tibet. His husband contacted the Shanghai Municipal Health Committee through the Shanghai Municipal Health Committee, and finally used all civil servants to donate blood for him.The woman's husband, Mr. Tao, responded on Wednesday (November 29) that the above situation was not true, and said that blood donation was organized by Ali local hospitals and Health and Health Commission, not their personal behavior.According to relevant Shanghai departments, there is no action caused by improper factors such as private relationships.

According to the Beijing News, the screenshot of the online chat record shows that Mr. Tao told his wife, "My little aunt contacted the Shanghai Health Commission, and the Health and Health Commission contacted the Ali department to use Ali all all Ali’s all’s from the Ali department.The news of civil servants.

Mr. Tao said in an interview on Wednesday that the chat happened after the wake -up after the wife's rescue was over, and because his wife was too serious, in order to encourage his wife to survive, he said this.In fact, his aunt is not a public official in Shanghai.Only after his wife's car accident, the relevant local departments suggested to ask the Shanghai Health Commission for help. Their family and friends, including their aunt, went to find a way to contact the Shanghai Health Commission.Blood donation is organized by Ali local hospitals and Health and Health Commission, not their personal behavior.

Mr. Tao recalled that on October 14, he traveled to his wife and a altitude response at more than 5,000 meters above sea level.Breaking, abdominal hemorrhage, critical condition, was taken to the People's Hospital of Ali.

Mr. Tao said, "Ali has a low population density, and the blood bank does not have much blood. The hospital opened the green channel for us -as long as it is the people of life, the hospital will open it."The staff of the household registration are in Shanghai, and the staff of the Ali District Hospital and Health and Health Committee told him that the local medical methods are not high. The hospital is thinking about ways. "You must also find a way."Aid Dr. Tibetan to support.

Mr. Tao said that he then contacted the Shanghai Health and Health Commission through friends and relatives.On October 16, the doctors in Shanghai aid Tibet came to the hospital to consult their wife.

For the "blood donation of civil servants across the region", Mr. Tao responded that the staff of the hospital sent a message in the circle of friends and the group, hoping that there were good people to donate blood.I also contacted the local police stations, fire protection and other departments, hoping to get their help. From October 15th to 17th, someone went to the blood station to donate blood.

Mr. Tao emphasized, "Blood donation is not compulsory, all have called and solicited.Under the doctor's suggestion, his wife's father contacted the medical opportunity on October 18th to pay his wife down the plateau at home. At present, his wife is still hospitalized in Shanghai.

Mr. Tao also said that his wife's injury has improved slightly recently.Say, at present, the video has been deleted.Now his wife is still hospitalized, and has been crying once because of his accusations.He hopes that netizens can treat the matter rationally.

The staff of the People's Hospital of Ali said in an interview that the woman involved was entered the hospital for treatment on the evening of the 14th.The woman's liver was severely ruptured and urgently needed surgery.During the operation, the woman's bleeding was about 2000 ml, and 8 units of red blood cell suspension and 800 ml of fresh frozen plasma were entered.From the 18th, the woman entered 13.5 units of red blood cell suspension, 1950 ml fresh frozen plasma and 1000 ml of all blood.

The staff introduced that in the local blood station, there was not enough blood to match the women's blood type in the local blood station, and waschemia began on the 15th.After asking the employees and the social personnel for help, after asking for help from the local departments, many people came to donate blood from the 15th to 17th. Among them, dozens of public officials finally raised enough blood.

The report quoted relevant Shanghai departments that after investigation, at the time of the incident, the health department received a letter from relevant departments and requested that the aid doctors in Shigatse, Tibet went to the hospital involved to participate in the treatment.There is no action caused by improper factors such as private relationships.