The government of Mainland China and the Lithuanian government discussed how to gradually move towards the normalization of diplomatic relations. Lithuania Foreign Minister Lancegis said that mainland China has lifted trade measures against Lithuania.

According to Bloomberg, Lancegis said in an interview on Monday (November 27) that the "economic coercion" that was challenged by the WTO has ended, including Lithuania "being (mainland China) (mainland China)The deletion of the customs system causes companies to be unable to export to the country. "

Lithuania announced in August 2021 that it was allowed to set up a representative office in the name of "Taiwan", causing strong dissatisfaction in mainland China.In Beijing that month, the Ambassador to Lithuania was recalled, and Lithuania recalls the Ambassador to China in September.Mainland China announced that its diplomatic relations with Lithuania had fallen into agency level in November, and relations between the two countries have fallen into a trough.Mainland China has implemented a series of trade ban on Lithuania.

Lancegis said in an interview that although mainland China has lifted the trade ban, companies still have a cautious attitude towards trade with mainland China.

He added that "not only the government, but also a huge problem of trust." No one can determine that the ban can determine that the ban will not be staged again, because these ban are not a rule -based method.

According to the customs data of mainland China, neutral bilateral direct trade has almost no recovery.Compared with the same period before the dispute broke out in 2021, the imports of Lithuania have dropped by more than 70%in the first 10 months of this year.

Lancegis said that the Lithuanian government has negotiated for nearly two years on the normalization of diplomatic relations with mainland China.He said: "We are doing dialogue, looking patiently, I think there may be some opportunities."

Mainland China and Lithuania have not yet officially resumed diplomats in the other country.

The Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin and the chairman of the European Council Michelle reportedly reported to mainland China next month to the first face -to -face summit with Beijing leaders in four years.

The EU stated in 2021 that Lithuania did not violate the EU's "one China" policy in Taiwan.