In the past two months, the Chinese topics that everyone paid attention to before the end of the year will always mention the Summit of the Summit of the Chinese and US dollar and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Nowadays, Xi Bai will appear in San Francisco as scheduled, stepping on the brakes of the spiral decline of Sino -US relations.However, there is no news that the Third Plenary Session of the Third Central Committee of the Central Committee.

During the five -year national party congress, the Communist Party of China will hold seven Central Plenary Sessions.In the past 40 years, the Third Plenary Session was generally held in the fall or winter of the following year after the National Party Congress. Except for the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee five years ago, it was held at the end of February 2018.

The outside world had previously speculated that shortly after the Chinese leaders visited the United States, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee would appear.However, after the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on Monday (November 27), the report from the official media Xinhua News Agency did not mention the news of the Third Plenary Session.

There is a determination to travel. The probability that there will be a high probability that it will not open the Third Plenary Session before the end of this year. He also joked: "You can take leave to leave for Christmas.", Time is abundant.

The Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee is a view of personnel changes.Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, four central members have been removed from the leadership positions of state institutions or military, including former state members and foreign ministers Qin Gang, former State Councilor and Defense Director Li Shangfu, as well as former Rocket Army Commander Li Yuchao and former political commissarXu Zhongbo.

The official has not disclosed the reason for the four people to be dismissed so far. Their central members are expected to be revoked at the Third Plenary Session.Because Li Shangfu had previously been a member of the Central Military Commission, whether the official would add a member of the Central Military Commission to pay attention to it.

In addition to personnel issues, the Third Plenary Session has attracted much attention because it has always had a special significance in the Central Plenistry system.

Third Plenary Session of the Third Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the history of the Communist Party of China was the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee led by the CCP veteran Deng Xiaoping in December 1978.The meeting abandoned the route with class struggle as the outline, and proposed that the economic construction as the center opened the curtain of China's reform and opening up.

Since the reform and opening up, the previous party congresses of the Communist Party of China will be held after closing the CPC Plenary Session to determine the personnel arrangements in high -level party in the party;In the National Two Councils (People's Congress and CPPCC Conference) in March; the San CPCs usually put forward specific reform plans in the direction set by the Party Congress, and the focus of reforms often falls on the economic system.

After Deng Xiaoping's southern tour once again determined the route of reform and opening up, the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1993 passed the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the establishment of a socialist market economy system.Reform action program.

The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of 2013 also attracted the same attention.This is the first Third Plenary Session led by the current leader of the Communist Party of China after taking office.The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the meeting on the comprehensive deepening reform of several major issues covers the extensive scope of 60 comprehensive deepening reform plans, especially "making the market play a decisive role in resource allocation" and other methods to inspire the outside world.

But for ten years in the past, the process of implementation of "60 reforms" is not as expected. It can be said that it is still ongoing today.

Taking the economic system reform that many people are concerned about as an example, in the past five years, the domestic environment in China has more focused on ideology. Under the theme of emphasizing the party leadership, the market's intervention has not increased.The decisive role in the configuration has been repeatedly questioned.This feeling of the people has been strengthened under the three years of high -voltage epidemic prevention, the slowdown in economic growth, and the morale of private enterprises. Many people are worried that the reform will not retreat.

At present, China's internal and external challenges are arduous, the downward pressure of domestic economic growth has increased, the corporate confidence is insufficient, and the real estate market is sluggish;To the same status as the development of the economy.Although the economic growth rate has a certain degree of pain that is unavoidable in the conversion of new and old kinetic energy to a certain extent, it is unavoidable in high -quality development, but the Chinese economy must go out of the trough to avoid the pain in the transition period to become long -term pain, and further deepening reform is imminent.

Because of this, the outside world hopes that the Third Plenary Session will release some reassuring signals and answer some doubts.Everyone is concerned, what specific actions will the official return to economic construction as the center, and how to interpret the balance between the development of economy and maintaining security?How to position the role of the market and the government, the freedom and diversity of the market, and how to reconcile with the two goals of the Communist Party of China with the CCP?Will the official launch new reform measures, and how can the reform be implemented from documents and slogans?

Chinese officials are reported to inspect Shanghai in these days, and it is likely that this trip to declare the importance of reform and opening up to China's modernization.It is not ruled out that the official may take the iron after that, hold the Third Plenary Session in December, formulate a new reform and opening up policy, and implement the implementation of the Central Economic Work Conference at the end of the year.

Regardless of whether the Third Plenary Session was held before the end of the year, or postponed until the two sessions of next March next year, everyone hoped that the Third Plenary Session held on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up in this year.Open a new situation for China at a time.