Chinese officials say that strengthening the construction of foreign -related rule of law is related to the overall situation of China's opening up and diplomatic work.rights and interests.

The analysis of scholars interviewees have continued to be unstable in the recovery of China's economic economic recovery. The senior management of the Communist Party of China hopes to attract more foreign capital to China by strengthening the construction of foreign -related rule of law.

China ’s official Monday (November 27) presided over the collective study of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, and proposed to deeply understand the importance and urgency of doing a good job in foreign rule of law.He said that the rule of law is the best business environment. It is necessary to improve the open and transparent foreign -related legal system, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of foreign -funded enterprises, and improve the convenient service measures and related laws and regulations of foreigners in China.

After China's economic growth was far lower than the official goal last year, Beijing continued to throw olive branches at foreign companies this year.The Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting in April that emphasized that attracting foreign capital to attract foreign investment in a more important position and stabilized the basic market for foreign trade and foreign capital.

Chinese officials said during the mid -November of San Francisco in the United States that China ’s determination to build marketization, rule of law, and international business business will not change.More "warm heart" measures to optimize foreigners to go to China and stop residence policies.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the Politburo of the Communist Party of China reviewed the CCP ’s foreign affairs regulations on Monday and requested to further strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee for foreign affairs.The main purpose is to deal with problems such as the United States continued to target China after the San Francisco meeting, as well as the evacuation of foreign investment in China.

Tang Renwu pointed out that the senior officials of the Communist Party of China emphasized the strengthening of the construction of the rule of law from foreign countries, released the signal of hoping to retain foreign capital in China, and attracting more foreign capital to China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced on November 24 that new measures to open to the outside world will be 6The country implements unilateral visa -free policies to facilitate more cross -border exchanges and expand openness.Tang Renwu pointed out that the official introduction of this rare measure is also the hope of conveying the information that China has always been unchanged to the outside world to reduce the concerns of foreign capital.

Fu Fangjian, an associate professor of Li Guangqian Business School of Singaporean Management University, analyzed that foreign companies often complained that Chinese officials have not clarified their red lines in China for a period of time, causing foreign companies to involve problems such as leakage and spy when collecting corporate information when collecting corporate information.Foreign accountants and law firms also feel their hands when they carry out business in China.

He believes that the official strengthening the construction of foreign -related legal system aims to make the rules more clear to improve the business environment.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, In a keynote speech, China promised that China will continue to build an international and rule of law business environment, and said that China opposes any form of decourse disconnection chain.connect.

Chinese companies have faced more legal challenges in overseas development in recent years.China's official Monday requires strengthening awareness of compliance, guiding Chinese citizens and enterprises to abide by local laws, regulations and customs in the process of "going out", and use the rule of law and rules to safeguard their rights and interests.

He also requires deepening international cooperation in law enforcement, strengthening the protection and assistance of consular consular, and building a strong chain of rule of law to protect China's overseas interests.

Fu Fangjian pointed out that China may accelerate the pace of openness after meeting in San Francisco. Not only is it welcome to go to China, but also hopes that Chinese capital will better go out. "Both aspects need legal standards."

Tang Renwu analyzed that the latest statement of the Communist Party of China was designed to highlight the attitude of Chinese enterprises to protect Chinese enterprises' foreign investment. At the same time, it reminded Chinese capital to abide by local laws and regulations and do not touch the red line.This is expected to play a greater deterrent effect on an attempt to transfer hidden property from China to overseas.