The Beijing Court rejected a consumer to mistaken a refund request for a refund ticket for a seven -day no reason for returning goods.

According to the report of China News Network on Tuesday (November 28), a consumer has recently made a litigation request for a refund of the ticket platform for a refund of the ticket platform on the grounds of finding a penguin on the Internet.turn down.The court determined that the performance ticket was not applicable to "seven days without reason to return the goods", and consumers should perform or bear the corresponding consequences in accordance with the law.

The judgment pointed out that the performance ticket does not belong to the "product" of seven days without reason to return the goods in the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.Consumers can understand all the important information recorded in the ticket through the online description before placing an order. They will not affect the perception of performance information because they are purchased before and after receiving tickets.Therefore, consumers require barley to return all tickets on the grounds of network purchases. The basis is not sufficient, and the court does not support it.

"Seven days without reason to return" originated from the rules of the e -commerce platform, and then promoted legislation. The essence is a kind of "regret" given by the law, that is, online consumers expected when they place an order when placing an order.When the commodity status does not match the actual delivery of the product, you can apply for a return.