China Official Media Economic Daily published a signature comment article on Wednesday (November 29), which is an extremely important job to accelerate the process of economic recovery and maintain economic operation.Must fight for a good battle.Among them, the business entity is the most reliable and important force to promote economic development.

The article said that in the past year, the economic recovery process of wave -type development and twists and turns reminds that the current economic recovery is different from previous cyclical fluctuations.It is uncertain.Faced with the new difficulty challenges presented in the current economic operation, to do a good job of current economic recovery, we must closely integrate the new features and requirements of the economic recovery process.In the actions to accelerate economic recovery process and maintain economic operation, it has continuously improved the timeliness and accuracy of macroeconomic governance.

The article pointed out that among the active entities that promote economic recovery, the key role is the main body.They are not only the main participants of Chinese economic activities, but also the main provider of employment opportunities and the main promoters of technological progress. The main body of business is the basic power source of China's economic development.

From this to speed up the economic recovery process and maintain the good trend of economic operations, the first is to accelerate the recovery process of operating entities and maintain the good trend of operating entities.As long as the operating entity can hold in the face of various impacts and pressures, as long as it can help the business entity cross the temporary difficulty, as long as the operating entity can show vitality, and then drive employment and create new social wealth.Full guarantee and sufficient support.In other words, the main body of the business is the most reliable and most important force to promote economic development; to fight the economic recovery of this tough battle, it is also necessary to take the business entity as the main force.

The article said that the focus of the current economic recovery work should be placed on the business entity, and all countermeasures and measures should be ensured first in the stability of the business entity, motivation and vitality.On the one hand, we must turn around the business subject, run away in the needs of the business subject, and help solve difficulties and problems.On the other hand, we must focus on "watering and fertilization" from the root, implementing reforms, and introducing policies, effectively mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the operating subject, and consolidating the micro -foundation of accelerating the process of economic recovery and maintaining economic operations.

The article also said that the current Chinese economy is in the critical period of stabilizing recovery and industrial upgrading, and economic operations are facing new difficulty challenges.If contradictions are finally different, main, and secondary aspects, then, in the principle of leading "cow nose", the main aspects of the main contradictions and contradictions are confidence and expectations.

"Strong confidence" and "steady expectations" are the "bull nose" to do a good job of current economic work.The confidence of residents and business entities has increased, the expectations are stable, and the contradictions and problems with insufficient consumer demand and investment demand can be alleviated, and the contradictions and problems of supply and supply can be resolved.

The article pointed out that "strong confidence" and "stable expectations" are used as the top priority.The fundamentals of the foot are good.On the other hand, based on the "two combinations", especially the "second combination", to make the unique history, unique culture, and unique national conditions of China's economic development clearThe unique traits, unique endowments and unique value systems in the depths of the blood are clear and clear, and they find unique genes that support the stability of China's economy.Strong confidence.

The article said that economic development is inseparable from macro -control, and economic recovery is inseparable from proper macro policy support.Aware that macro -control at the stage of high -quality development is different from macro -control at the stage of high -speed growth. The macro -control in the process of economic recovery is also different from macro -control in the past.Essence

The article believes that "precise and powerful" regulation is intended to highlight the complexity of the difficulty challenges facing the current economic operation. It aims to emphasize the accuracy and pertinence necessary for macro regulation.Set up constraints.One of the extremely important considerations is that the quality and efficiency of the aiming regulation, on the basis of carefully distinguishing the cause, use the medication to ensure the right medicine, and the limited macro -control resources "use on the blade" and "precise" allocation configurationIn the focus of economic recovery process and focus.

This means that "precise and powerful" is the most needed macro -control at the moment, which is really the "key trick" of the current economic restoration of this tough battle."Expensive is accurate, focusing on precision, and the success or failure lies in precision."Only on the basis and secondary aspects of the main contradictions and secondary contradictions, the main contradictions, secondary contradictions, the complexity of multiple causes, and can prevent all contradictions from distinguishing from all conflicts and problems. "A pot of cooking "" one spoonful of stew "and the medicine is too fierce, thereby effectively eliminating the soil that breeds the hidden dangers of" large water ".

The article also said that economic recovery is by no means simply returning to the epidemic.The rapid economic development is inseparable from the cultivation of new kinetic energy and the shape of new advantages.The economic recovery process is undoubtedly combined with the cultivation and shape of new kinetic energy and new advantages, and then build new competitiveness and persistence for promoting the high -quality development of the economy.

The "new" of new productive productivity comes from scientific and technological innovation.At present, China's scientific and technological innovation still has many shortcomings and weaknesses such as poor original innovation capabilities, few major original results, and key core technologies.The current economic recovery process is good, and the economic operation of entering the stage of high -quality development is to a large extent depends on whether it can overcome the "stuck neck" problem in important key areas as soon as possible.Resource leading development strategic emerging industries and future industries, accelerating the formation of new quality productive for technological innovation, more integration in the digital age, and reflecting new connotations, which will bred or bring new economic growth points.In this sense, accelerating the formation of new productivity is an inevitable requirement for cultivating new kinetic energy and shaping new advantages of development.

In this regard, the current economic recovery process also has extraordinary significance.This is a new exploration that will integrate new competitiveness and durability and economic recovery processes. It is also a new exploration that focuses on accelerating the formation of new productivity and giving high -quality economic development new momentum.

At the end of the article, it is necessary to take the opportunity to accelerate economic recovery, take new productive productivity as an important engine to promote high -quality development, and start active explorations around the formation of new momentum of development and development of new advantages.On the one hand, we must go out of the traditional growth path dependence, truly take innovation as the first driving force for development, and use high -level technology to independence and self -reliance as an effective way to promote high -quality development. It is a solid way to stabilize the high -quality development of China's economy.On the other hand, it is necessary to use new quality productivity as a proposition for development and reform propositions, vigorously promote institutional innovation, and strive to create a good institutional environment, and lay a solid foundation for the cultivation of new kinetic energy and the development of new advantages.

The current economic recovery is a process that requires patience and practical to do things.Only from the actual situation of economic recovery process, adhere to the combination of target -oriented and problem -oriented, and consciously use the new situation of the party's innovative theory and solve new problems, can we truly find out the situation, find out the problem, raise the countermeasures, and then can implement the countermeasures.Continuously improve the ability and level of economic work at the stage of high -quality development to ensure that the economy will be fully fighting for the restoration of this tough battle.