Lei Jun, the founder of China Electrical Electric Giant Xiaomi, donated 1.3 billion yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 200 million) cash to his alma mater Wuhan University, setting a record for solo personal cash donations in Chinese universities.

According to the website of Wuhan University, Lei Jun, an alumni of the 1987 computer department of Wuhan University, donated 1.3 billion yuan to his alma mater at the donation signing ceremony in the morning of the donation signing ceremony.Lei Jun said that the donation mainly focused on three directions: support the basic research of the scientific and technological innovation of the 6th University of the University of Mathematics, the 6th University of the University of Psychiatric, and the support of college students.

It is reported that this donation has refreshed the largest donation amount since the establishment of Wuhan University, and it is also the largest personal cash donation received by Chinese universities.

Lei Jun recalled that when he was asking for study at Wuhan University more than 30 years ago, he had made two wishes: because he received a 2,000 yuan "huge sum of money" scholarship, which was the highest quota at that time.So in the heart, he vowed silently, "It will be ten times, hundreds of times, and 10,000 times in the future"; because I feel very happy in class in the "Yifu Building" of Wuhan University at that time, so I wish to donate a building from Wuhan University.Both wishes are realized.

Lei Jun said that for many years, he has always been grateful to his alma mater.This is not only the feeling of yourself, but also the common idea of ​​all alumni."Wu Da taught me knowledge, let me learn how to learn, and instructed me to embark on the lifelong road of science and technology exploration, and gave me the most important wealth in my life."

Lei Jun said, in order to let Wu Da Yue Yue YueThe better, everyone can give back to the alma mater with actual actions, and emphasize that the donation has never been advocated to compare. Each donation is the love of alumni to alma mater, and the weight is the same.

Lei Jun said that the donation of 1.3 billion cash was donated to the school celebration of the school in 130 years, and hoped that through this donation, it would support Wuhan University to create more brilliant achievements in the future, so that China will have more excellent scholars in China., Engineer, scientist and science and technology entrepreneurs.

Earlier, Lei Jun has donated to his alma mater to set up a number of donation projects such as the "Lei Jun Scholarship", "Lei Jun Science and Technology Building" and "Anti -Strike New Crown Pneumonia Fund", with a total amount of 130 million yuan.In 2016, Lei Jun donated to support Wuhan University to build an artificial intelligence teaching and research building. The building was put into use on June 20 this year.