A coal mine in Heilongjiang, China occurred on Tuesday (November 28) in the afternoon, causing multiple people to lose contact.

According to China CCTV News, Heilongjiang Long Coal Shuangyashan Mining Co., Ltd. Shuangyang Coal Mine occurred at about 3 pm on the 28th.

A coal mine in Shanxi also accidentally occurred this month.A fire broke out on November 16, Luliang City, Luliang City, Shanxi, causing 26 people to die on November 16. 34 people were hospitalized, and four were left in outpatient clinics.

Chinese President Xi Jinping instructed instructions on the fire accident, requiring the full efforts to treat the injured and in -depth investigation of hidden risks in key industries.

The public security organs have taken criminal compulsory measures to take the actual controller, principals, and other responsible persons of Lu Liangyong's coal industry.