IT House November 27 news. Since the beginning of this year, "the Dell supply chain will withdraw from China will be evacuated" in the market.Planning for purchasing domestic chips and components ", later even reported news that" Dell wants to exit China completely ".Dell has been dealing with low -key response and will not comment on related rumors.

According to the interface news report, on the 24th of this month, Dell's celebration of the 25th anniversary celebration of China at the Diaoyutai State Hotel in Beijing, Wu Dongmei, senior vice president of Dell Global, said: "We are proud of Dell's 25 years of history in China.Here we have achieved huge achievements here and we have established a deep friendship with everyone.And always committed to the commitment to Chinese employees, customers and partners.

For the above rumors, Wu Dongmei said, "We have never published any so -called 'information' or 'comments'. Dell's guidelines for the behavior of the world are not commenting on 'rumors'. This is our consistent positionBut unfortunately, this attitude is interpreted by errors and one -sided interpretation of 'not comment is confirmation', and some people even make news from Dell. You can clearly tell you that these rumors are definitely 'rumors'!/p>

Wu Dongmei continued to mention, "Even so, we have not commented on rumors. Because they are rumors. But we have to clarify the employees, customers and partners in China, which is our promise to everyone's promise firmlyNo change, no change, and no change. Dell's style is to say less.Among them, Xiamen and Chengdu are fully self -operated.The factory in Kunshan, Jiangsu is not self -operated, but it is also one of the most important manufacturing leaders in the region.

According to the IT home, from the opening of the first office in Xiamen, China in 1998, to this day, Dell's number of employees in China has exceeded 10,000, and it has established a complete procurement, production processing, engineering manufacturing, sales, sales, and sales.Service and other operating systems.

Data show that Dell has three major production bases in Xiamen, Chengdu and Kunshan, driving hundreds of supply chain upstream and downstream companies to serve the global market.According to the latest information, Dell was the largest manufacturing enterprise in Xiamen in 2023 and the fifth largest manufacturing enterprise in Chengdu.Its production base in Kunshan is also one of the most important manufacturing leading companies in the local area.