(Beijing Comprehensive News) People insiders revealed that due to concerns that the stock market has soared in the near future, it may cause the institution to reduce its holdings collectively, and the Beijing Stock Exchange requires some companies that meet the conditions to reduce their holdings to suspend the release of their holdings.

The Chinese government frequently boosted the capital market, and the Bei Stock 50 Index rose violently last week.

Reuters on Monday (November 27) quoted three people familiar with the matter reports that because of the concerns of the rising momentum, the Beijing Stock Exchange implemented a new policy to prevent the major shareholders of listed companies from selling shares.

According to the rules of the Chinese securities market, the major shareholders holding 5%or more shares shall submit public filing to the relevant stock exchanges if they want to sell their shares held by the company.

People familiar with the matter said that the Beijing Stock Exchange has been rejecting these filing applications.It is not clear how long this policy will remain.

The Beijing Stock Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission did not immediately respond to Reuters' comment requests.

It is reported that the "window guidance" approach of the Beijing Stock Exchange may help maintain the upward trend of the Bei Stock 50 Index.The index soared 11.4%on Monday.

The North Stock Exchange revised and reduced its holdings in late September. In addition to breaking and breaking the net, there is a loss of the company's recent audit financial report.Essence

The Beijing Stock Exchange has recently strengthened the supervision of the market.According to the latest disclosure of the institute, from November 20th to November 24th, a total of 93 persons such as oral warnings and regulatory concern were implemented for self -discipline supervision measures such as the abnormal trading behavior of the involved in the disk.