The People's Bank of China proposed in the third quarter monetary policy report to further promote the banking industry to reduce the actual loan interest rate.

According to the official website of the Central Bank of China, the central bank issued a report on the implementation of China Monetary Policy in the third quarter of 2023 on Monday (November 27).

The report proposes that a variety of monetary policy tools are comprehensively used to maintain reasonable liquidity and abundant liquidity, and maintain the growth rate of monetary supply and the growth rate of social financing.

The report proposes to further unblock the monetary policy transmission mechanism, enhance the stability of financial support for the real economy, promote a virtuous circle of economic and financial, and maintain reasonable and stable price levels.

The report also proposes that the market -oriented reform of interest rates is continuously deepened, the market quotation interest rate reform dividends are released, the role of market -oriented adjustment mechanism of deposit interest rates is effectively exerted, the order of deposit on the loan market, further promoting financial institutions to reduce actual loansinterest rate.

Bloomberg reports that the outside world is concerned that China's shrinkage has essentially the cost of borrowing the price adjustment of the price factors.In recent months, China has been facing deepening pressure, and has been in sharp contrast to most developed countries. People are worried that shrinkage will promote the increase in actual debt burden and drag down China's economic growth.

According to a recent survey by Bloomberg, economists expect that the People's Bank of China will not be able to reduce interest rates until the beginning of this year.