(Beijing Comprehensive News) officials of the World Health Organization said that China's current respiratory diseases are surging lower than before crown disease, and no new pathogens have been found recently.

According to Reuters, WHO (WHO) epidemic diseases and global epidemic preparations and prevention departments Maria Van Kerkhove was interviewed by the US media STAT last Friday (November 24).It is said that the peak of this wave of respiratory diseases in China is not as high as from 2018 to 2019.

Vankelkhofv said that the virus infected by Chinese young children seems to be the same as the pathogen of the two years ago.In the past two years, due to the control of the epidemic in the past two years, Chinese children avoid this pathogen.

With the recent increase in pediatric visits in many hospitals in China, the WHO asked China to provide detailed information about the increase in respiratory diseases and the emergence of children's aggregate pneumonia last week.

Mi Feng, spokesman for the National Health and Health Committee of China, said at a press conference on Sunday (26th) that recent acute respiratory diseases have continued to rise, which is related to various respiratory pathogens, the most prominent of which is flu.

According to the English version of the Chinese Official Media Daily Times, Li Yan, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Infectious Diseases of Beijing Youan Hospital, said that this wave of new cases may reach its peak in the next few weeks, and the new year holiday may be during the New Year holiday period.There will be a second wave of peaks.