Three days after the Chinese Asset Management Giants acknowledged the severe asset -free and non -debt, the Beijing Police filed a case for the China Plant Department's wealth company, and took criminal compulsory measures against many suspects such as Xiangmou.

The apology letter issued by the Zhongzhi Group last Wednesday (November 22) disclosed to investors that China -planting's book assets of 200 billion yuan (RMB, Same as Sim, Sim of 38.3 billion yuan), and the debt was from 420 billion yuan to to to the way.Between 460 billion yuan.

In late June, after the products of the four major wealth companies in China plant have been overdue, this is the first time that investors have discovered how big the holes in China are planted.Previously, the various fantasies about the realization of China -planting, multiple financial licenses and listed asset processing were crushed.

Zhongzhi said in the apology letter saying that due to the huge asset volume, the industrial distribution is complex, the operating entity and the project are large, and a large number of corporate assets, related financing and external guarantee must be further verified and confirmed.It will also adjust.

Market analysis believes that the group's liquidity has been exhausted, and the book assets are mainly bonds and equity. The disposal is difficult. Investors need to be prepared to recover the principal.

However, folk public opinion has different reactions. Many people believe that although the Chinese plant is large, the investment threshold for investment is high. Whether it is Ding Rong or a trust, the investment amount is basically more than one million, so it affects the impact.It's just "rich people".

Some netizens commented that Evergrande burst thunder is ordinary people, and Zhongzhi mainly harvested the rich.However, some people believe that if the investor's granules are not harvested, it will be tantamount to pouring a pot of ice water for the Chinese financial industry that is confused.

Beijing Police reported on November 25 that it has filed a case for investigation.The picture shows the office building of Zhongzhi Group in Beijing.(Reuters)

The "background" of the Chinese planting department

The seemingly mysterious Chinese planting department, from the key to development to development, is inseparable from state -owned enterprise reform and government relations.

The founder of Zhongzhi and the sudden death of illness in 2021 was originally a printing factory worker in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province.stand up.In 1995, he established a Chinese planting enterprise group, with its main business is papermaking, real estate, and acquisition of state -owned non -performing assets.

The founder of Zhongzhi, a straightest dispery of the sudden death in 2021, is only 61 years old.Some analysts believe that the situation of his death has led to a sudden turn.(Internet)

In 2002, by participating in the reorganization of the International Trust of the State -owned Enterprise Harbin, Zhongzhi set up a comprehensive transformation of financial express.Harbin Trust was renamed Zhongrong Trust, with 60 % of Zhongzhi stocks.

Soon after, Zhongzhi also transferred 36%of Zhongrong Trust to the latitude textile machine of listed companies in the central enterprise. From then on, Zhongrong put on the "central enterprise trust" coat and quickly ranked among the first echelons of the trust industry.

But in fact, because of the control of Zhongrong's second and fourth largest shareholders, the actual controlling shareholders of Zhongrong are still Zhongzhi.Liu Yang, the chairman of Zhongrong Trust, is the nephew of Zhizhi, the founder of the Chinese plant, and also served as the vice president of Zhongzhi Group.

Relying on Zhongrong Trust, Zhongzhi has developed Datang Wealth, Xinhu Wealth, Gao Sheng Wealth and Hengtian Wealth.In addition to the smallest Gao Sheng wealth, the other three were labeled with the central enterprises and state -owned enterprises through the careful design of the equity.

For example, Hengtian Wealth and Datang Wealth followed the name of the central enterprise Hengtian Group and the Energy Central Enterprise China Datang.Although there are central enterprises as shareholders, they are not central enterprises in the actual sense.

If China Rong is the core capital operation platform of the Chinese plant, then these four wealth centers are the "blood bank" of Zhongzhi, which in 2022 has a total management scale of 2.5 trillion yuan.

In addition to the connection between trusts and wealth companies and state -owned capital, the "background" of the guessing in the workshop is also related to his brother Xie Chunchun.

Jie Zhichun was once an official in the financial field. According to public information, he was located in the deputy general manager of the CIC and the general manager of the Central Huijin, and also served as the vice president of the China Securities Association.He resigned in 2015 and is currently a master's tutor of the Tsinghua University of Finance.

Harvest rich three ax: background, scale, high yield

The business model of China Planting Department is to operate wealth management and trust in the left hand. It attracts a lot of funds with high interest rates. The right hand controls listed companies, invests in real estate enterprises, urban investment bonds, etc., in order to obtain higher returns.Operation mode.

But the development of the past 30 years has allowed Zhongzhi to build a system that includes industrial, asset management, wealth management, and insurance. It controls more than 10 listed companies, invests in coal, minerals, and new energy.It is dazzling.

Many investors are even shocked by its scale when they do not know the underlying assets of the investment, and then attracted by 8%to 9%of the yield. Finally, they trust through its background of the central enterprise and finally pay for investment.

A former managed position of Zhongzhi Group told Tencent News that people who are used to 8%to 9%of product income are difficult to return to the market to buy 3%of interest rate deposits.

The anonymous manager said that the Chinese plant wealth company mainly focuses on solid -income products, and a large number of products involve the "capital pool", which is the capital raised.wait.

The manager also said that when the capital market is good, the market value of listed companies in China Planting and holding shares can rise by one billion yuan a day. However, the capital market continues to hover at a low level, which has caused serious debt loss of Zhongzhi.

According to, during the highlighting period of 2015, the China Plant Department had invested 57 listed companies at the same time.Risk began to be exposed.At this time, Zhongzhi played a strong fundraising capacity, borrowing the local "Gold Exchange" to issue more Dingrong products.

Step on the mine supervision, root in real estate

The investigation by the Beijing Police's case is also a Dingrong product issued by the wealth company under Zhongzhi.The lawyer of Beijing Kyoto Law Firm commented on the WeChat public account that the China plant was suspected of illegal fund -raising and corresponding to the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits and fund -raising fraud in the criminal law.Under the many financial lines of China planting, non -licensed Dingrong products are the most vulnerable.

Dingrong, the full name is a targeted financing plan. The enterprise filed with the local Gold Exchange and issued privately to specific investors.Without the filing of the Gold Exchange, its nature is illegal fundraising.

Securities Times revealed in a report in 2021 that the wealth company of China Planting Department attracted investors with high interest rates through the "Pseudo -Gold Stock Exchange", purchased its illegal wealth management products, and provided real estate and related companies with 100 billion yuanFinancing.

It is reported that "these continuous funds have become the huge capital of the Chinese planting department.Jinchi, rarely supervised and unknown. "

In addition to wealth management companies frequently involved in real estate, the core of China -planted asset operation -Zhongrong Trust also has a large number of real estate products.According to's "Storm Eye", from 2013 to 2022, Zhongrong Trust's asset distribution in the real estate industry and the Chinese government's regulation and control policies for real estate "run counter to the real estate."

Housing companies that are cooperative in cooperation between Zhongrong Trust, such as Huaxia Happiness, Sunac, Evergrande, Sunshine City, Blu -ray and other dozens of companies, they also have thunder and cannot repay debts.

This is probably because the more the government is tightened, the more real estate and urban investment need the "fast money" of non -silver credit. For financial institutions, the hallucination of "housing prices will rise" and urban investment companiesThe endorsement of the government also made them difficult to resist the real estate.

Who can put it outside?

The products of the wealth management company under China plant are more than one million.In August of this year, he claimed to be Hengtian Wealth Management Manager. The article signed by Liang Liang was circulated on the Internet, saying that the China -planting default will involve 150,000 high -net -worth investors, 230 billion yuan in claims, and the customer amount from 3 million yuan to a maximum of more than 50 50 yuan.100 million quoted people familiar with the matter and said that Zhongzhi had about 200,000 wealth customers in the country.

On the Internet, some people believe that the wealth of high net worth people who can invest millions of high -net -worth individuals will not directly affect ordinary people.

However, on the one hand, China plant and banking financial institutions have close connections. The breach of contract may have a chain reaction, resulting in the tight capital chain of more financial institutions and difficulty in paying.I didn't dare to shoot later.

In fact, the investment direction of high net worth individuals has the effect of vane.If they tighten their pockets, who can have long -term investment confidence and expectations?