Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will go to New York, USA to host a high -level meeting of the Pakistani and Pakistani issues of the United Nations Security Council.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin announced on Monday (November 27) that China ’s rotating chairman of the United Nations Security Council will be held on Wednesday (November 29)The Security Council ’s Palestine’ s Palestinian meeting is a high -level meeting. Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo and Foreign Minister of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, will go to New York to host the Security Council.

Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the special video summit of the BRICS leader Pakistani issue last Tuesday (21st), and delivered a speech entitled to promote the ceasefire and stop war to achieve long -lasting peace and security.

Xi Jinping said that in unfairness to solve the Palestinian problem, there is no lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. The fundamental way out to solve the Palestinian -Israel -Israel Conflict cycle is to implement the "two countries' solutions."

Wang Yi met with the joint delegation of the Arab and Islamic State Foreign Ministers in Beijing last Monday (20th) that China is willing to work hard to help restore the peace in the Middle East.