The Chinese History Research Institute, which is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, released a short film on the 73rd anniversary of Mao Zedong's eldest son Mao Anying, saying that "Mao Anying's sacrifice is because of its egg fried rice and raw fire to the enemy aircraft", which is the most vicious rumorEssence

China History Research Institute on Saturday (November 25) released a video of 4 minutes and 29 seconds in the official WeChat public account, entitled "The 73rd anniversary of the death of Mao Anying Martyrs, and Mao Anying was innocent."

The video narrator said, "Before the righteousness of the nation, in the smoke and fire, Mao Anying resolutely rushed to the Korean battlefield and sacrificed vigorously.The dirty water, especially the "Mao Anying's sacrifice, is the most vicious for the rumors of making egg fried rice."

The narration emphasized, "The heroic martyrs cannot defile, and the dignity cannot be blasphemy! Today, break the rumors, clarify historical facts, mourn the soul, and the martyrs are innocent!"

The saying of the egg fried rice came to the enemy aircraft ", which comes from a memoir written by Yang, deputy director of the Battle Division of the Volunteer Army Command, is still" circulating ".

The narration refers to the "loopholes" of this lies, emphasizing that the volunteer army at that time had no rice to eat, and could only eat sorghum rice; and quoted other parties and witnesses at the time, saying that the memoirs written by Yang Mou's sacrifice about Mao Anying's sacrificeThe description passed can not be verified at all.

The short film also said that this book intentionally misleading the reader is to make people mistakenly believe that Mao Anying and others have attracted enemy aircraft because Mao Anying and others do not follow the military discipline.

Mao Anying is the eldest son of the late CCP leader Mao Zedong and the first wife Yang Kaihui.In October 1950, Mao Anying, who was newly married, participated in the battle against the United States and aid North Korea as the Russian translation and secretary of the Volunteer Army Command, but was killed in an air attack on the US military on November 25.Since then, the cause of Mao Anying's death has been circulating various opinions and rumors in China and the folk.

When the China Internet Information Office Reporting Center hosted the "2021 China Network Integrity Conference" in 2021, it has released a rumor list involved in the history of the Communist Party of China to clarify a series of rumors involved in party history, including "Mao An Yinyin eggsFrying rice sacrifice. "